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Annex IV: Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol: revised 1994 and 1995 budgets and approved 1996 budget for the Ozone Secretariat


w/m 1994 w/m 1995 w/m 1996


1100 Project personnel (Title and grade) ---- ---- ----

1101 Secretary (Coordinator) (D-1/2) 6 58 000 6 59 000 6 60 000

(shared with Vienna Convention (VC))

1102 Deputy Secretary (Lawyer) (P-5/D-1) 12 98 000 12 100 000 12 102 000

1103 Programme Officer (Lawyer) (P-3/4) 12 79 000 12 81 000 12 83 000

1104 Programme Officer (P-3/4) 6 41 000 6 43 000 6 43 000


(shared with VC)

1105 Administrative Officer (P-2/3) 6 34 000 6 36 000 6 36 000

(shared with VC)

Prior year's adjustments

1199 Subtotal 310 000 319 000 324 000

1200 Consultants (b)

1201 Assistance in data reporting

analysis, promotion of the protocol and

evaluation of the Financial Mechanism 225 000 275 000 25 000

1299 Subtotal 225 000 275 000 25 000

1300 Administrative support costs (c)

Support staff costs (Title and grade)


1301 Administrative Assistant (G-6) 6 8 000 6 8 500 6 9 000

(shared with VC)

1302 Senior Secretary (G-5) 12 14 000 12 15 000 12 15 500

1304 Secretary (shared with VC) (G-4) 6 7 000 6 7 500 6 8 000

1305 Secretary (shared with VC) (G-4) 6 7 000 6 7 500 6 8 000

1306 Document Clerk (G-3) 12 6 500 12 7 000 12 7 500

1320 Temporary Assistance 5 000 5 000 5 500

Subtotal support staff costs 47 500 50 000 53 500

Conference-servicing costs (d) 1994 1995 1996

1321 Open-ended Working Group meetings 370 000 740 000 390 000

1322 Preparatory and Parties meetings 393 000 393 000 280 000

1323 Meetings of the Assessment Panel 30 000 30 000 31 000

1324 Meetings of the Bureau 37 000 37 000 39 000

1325 Meeting of the Committees 25 000 25 000 26 000

1326 Informal consultation meetings 10 000 20 000 11 000

Subtotal conference-servicing costs 865 000 1 245 000 777 000

1399 Subtotal 912 500 1 295 500 830 500

1600 Travel on official business

1601 Secretariat staff 100 000 80 000 100 000

1602 UNEP conference-servicing staff 20 000 20 000 20 000

1699 Subtotal 120 000 100 000 120 000

1999 Component total 1 567 500 1 989 500 1 299 500


3300 Participation costs of developing countries (e)

3301 Assessment panel meetings 300 000 300 000 300 000

3302 Preparatory and Parties meetings 240 000 240 000 220 000

3303 Open-ended Working Group meetings 180 000 360 000 200 000

3304 Bureau meetings 24 000 24 000 30 000

3305 Committee meetings 48 000 48 000 60 000

3399 Subtotal 792 000 972 000 810 000

3999 Component total 792 000 972 000 810 000


4100 Expendable equipment (items under $1,500) 1994 1995 1996

4101 Miscellaneous expendables (f) 18 000 21 000 24 000

(shared with VC)

4199 Subtotal 18 000 21 000 24 000

4200 Non-expendable equipment (g)

4201 Personal computers and accessories

(shared with VC) 5 000 0 10 000

4202 Portable computers (shared with VC) 3 500 0 3 000

4203 E-mail/bulletin board and others 6 000 5 000 5 000

(shared with VC)

4299 Subtotal 14 500 5 000 18 000

4300 Rental of office premises

4300 Rental of office premises 15 000 15 000 15 000

(shared with VC)

4399 Subtotal 15 000 15 000 15 000

4999 Component Total 47 500 41 000 57 000


5100 Operation and maintenance of equipment

5101 Maintenance of equipment 9 000 10 000 11 000

(shared with VC)

5199 Subtotal 9 000 10 000 11 000

5200 Reporting costs (h)

5201 Reporting (general) 40 000 50 000 55 000

5202 Reporting (assessment panel reports) 66 000 25 000 27 500

5299 Subtotal 106 000 75 000 82 500

5300 Sundries 1994 1995 1996

5301 Communications 30 000 35 000 50 000

5302 Freight charges (documents shipment) (1) 35 000 40 000 73 000

5303 Others 5 000 5 000 5 000

5399 Subtotal 70 000 80 000 128 000

5400 Hospitality

5401 Hospitality 17 500 17 500 17 500

5499 Subtotal 17 500 17 500 17 500

5999 Component Total 202 500 182 500 239 000


99 TOTAL 2 609 500 3 185 000 2 405 500


Contingency 100 000 100 000 100 000


Programme support costs (13%) 339 235 414 050 312 715


GRAND TOTAL 3 048 735 3 699 050 2 818 215

Explanatory Notes for the Budget

1. The 1994 and 1995 budgets, as approved by the Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, are amended by an addition of $200,000 for 1994 and $250,000 for 1995 under line 1200 ("Consultants") in order to provide for the estimated cost of the evaluation of the Financial Mechanism as mandated by section II, paragraph 4, of decision IV/18 of the Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol and as determined by the Tenth Meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in accordance with decision V/12 of the Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (paragraph 14 (h) of Annex I of UNEP/OzL.Pro/WG.1/10/6).

2. The guidelines for the 1996 budget are as follows:

a/ 1100 Classification of the posts in UNEP is currently taking place in accordance with the guidelines of the United Nations. Provision is made for upgrading, if approved by the Executive Director, after review.

b/ 1201 See explanatory note 1.

c/ 1320 The Secretariat needs the temporary assistance at the times of meetings due to increasing number of documents.

d/ 1321-1326 The conference-servicing costs have been based on the following assumptions:

One Open-ended Working Group meeting will be held during 1996, using six languages and lasting five days.

The Preparatory and Parties meeting in 1996 for Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol in six languages, will be convened back-to-back in Nairobi. The cost provided for the Montreal Protocol budget is arrived at after deducting the amount provided by the Parties to the Vienna Convention ($200,000) from the total anticipated cost for all the meetings ($480,000).

The two Bureau meetings are scheduled for 1996, using three languages.

The two Implementation Committee meetings, in English only, are assumed to take place in Nairobi.

The one informal consultation, in English, is assumed to take place in Nairobi.

e/ 3301-3305 The participation of representatives of developing country Parties in the various Protocol meetings is assumed to cost an average of $5,000 per participation taking into account not more than one person's travel costs per country using the most appropriate economical fare and per diem allowances for one week during 1996.

The participation in the Assessment Panel meetings (Three Panels and Seven Technical Options Committees) for around 60 participants is $300,000.

The Preparatory and Parties meetings participation costs for 80 experts are shared between the Trust Funds in the Vienna Convention and of the Montreal Protocol.

Participation costs of the two Bureau meetings are based on three developing country participants in each meeting.

Participation costs of the two committee meetings are based on six developing country participants in each meeting.

f/ 4101 The costs of expendable equipment have been increased marginally to provide for increases in prices.

g/ 4201 The cost of non-expendable equipment is to allow the replacement of one computer and two printers.

h/ 5201-5202 The general reporting costs are expected to increase marginally in view of the larger number of Parties.

i/ 5301-5302 The communications and freight charges have been increased due to the increase in the number of Parties to the Montreal Protocol and the increasing local and international postal charges.