Decision X/13: Terms of reference for a study on the 2000-2002 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund
The Tenth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. X/13:
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to prepare a report for submission to the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties, and present it through the Open-ended Working Group at its nineteenth meeting, to enable the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties to take a decision on the appropriate level of the 2000-2002 replenishment of the Multilateral Fund. In preparing its report, the Panel should take into account, inter alia:
- All control measures, and relevant decisions, agreed by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol, including decisions agreed by the Tenth Meeting of the Parties, in so far as these will necessitate expenditure by the Multilateral Fund during the period 2000-2002;
- The need to allocate resources to enable all Article 5 Parties to maintain compliance with the Montreal Protocol;
- Agreed rules and guidelines for determining eligibility for funding of investment projects (including the production sector) and non-investment projects;
- Approved country programmes;
- Financial commitments in 2000-2002 relating to sectoral phase-out projects agreed by the Executive Committee;
- Experience to date, including limitations and successes of the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances achieved with the resources already allocated, as well as the performance of the Multilateral Fund and its Implementing Agencies;
- The impact that the controls and country activities are likely to have on the supply and demand for ozone-depleting substances, and the effect that this will have on the cost of ozone-depleting substances and the resulting incremental cost of investment projects during the period under examination;
- Administrative costs of the Implementing Agencies, taking into account paragraph 6 of decision VIII/4, and the cost of financing the secretariat services of the Multilateral Fund, including holding meetings;
- That, in undertaking this task, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel should consult widely with relevant persons and institutions and other relevant sources of information deemed useful;
- That the Panel shall strive to complete its work in time to enable its report to be distributed to all Parties two months before the nineteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.