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Decision XXX/14: Reporting of zero in Article 7 data reporting forms

Recalling paragraph 3 of decision XXIX/18, whereby the parties were urged, when submitting forms for reporting data in accordance with Article 7, to ensure that all cells in the forms are completed with a number, including zero where appropriate, rather than being left blank,

Recalling also that, by decision XXIX/18, the Implementation Committee under the Non‑Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol was requested to review the status of compliance by the parties with paragraph 3 of that decision at its sixty-first meeting,

Noting with appreciation that the majority of parties are continuing to report data in accordance with the request made in decision XXIV/14, and reiterated in decision XXIX/18, by recording a number in each cell in the data reporting forms that they submit, including zero where appropriate, rather than leaving the cell blank,

Noting with concern, however, that there are still a number of parties that leave blank cells in their Article 7 reports, which requires additional work by the Secretariat,

  1. To note that 20 parties submitted forms for reporting data in accordance with Article 7 for 2017 containing blank cells, contrary to decisions XXIV/14 and XXIX/18, and that all of those parties provided clarification in response to the request of the Secretariat;
  2. To urge all parties, when submitting forms for reporting data in accordance with Article 7, to ensure that in the future all cells in the data reporting forms are completed with a number, including zero where appropriate, rather than being left blank, in accordance with decision XXIV/14;
  3. To request the Implementation Committee to review the status of adherence to paragraph 2 of the present decision at its sixty-third meeting;