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Decision XII/1: Methyl bromide production by non-Article 5 Parties for basic domestic needs in 2001

The Twelfth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XII/1:

  1. To take note, with appreciation, of the conclusions of the Legal Drafting Group as to an unintended error in the Beijing Adjustment regarding the level of allowable production of methyl bromide for basic domestic needs;
  2. To take note of the fact that the average production of methyl bromide for basic domestic needs in non-Article 5 Parties reported for the period 1995-1999 did not exceed 10 per cent of their calculated level of production in 1991;
  3. To express the hope and expectation that, in the light of the above, each Party’s methyl bromide production levels during 2001 will continue to remain within the 10 per cent production allowance for methyl bromide for basic domestic needs, as intended by the Parties in Beijing.