Decision XII/2: Measures to facilitate the transition to chlorofluorocarbon-free metered-dose inhalers
The Twelfth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. XII/2:
- For the purposes of this decision, “chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler product” means a chlorofluorocarbon-containing metered-dose inhaler of a particular brand name or company, active ingredient(s) and strength;
- That any chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler product approved after 31 December 2000 for treatment of asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a non-Article 5(1) Party is not an essential use unless the product meets the criteria set out in paragraph 1(a) of decision IV/25;
2 bis. That any chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler product approved after 31 December 2008, excluding any product in the process of registration and approved by 31 December 2009, for treatment of asthma and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5, is not an essential use, unless the product meets the criteria set out in paragraph 1 (a) of decision IV/25;
- With respect to any chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler active ingredient or category of products that a Party has determined to be non-essential and thereby not authorized for domestic use, to request:
- The Party that has made the determination to notify the Secretariat;
- The Secretariat to maintain such a list on its Web site;
- Each nominating Party to reduce accordingly the volume of chlorofluorocarbons it requests and licenses;
- To encourage each Party to urge each metered-dose inhaler company within its territory to diligently seek approval for the company’s chlorofluorocarbon-free alternatives in its domestic and export markets, and to require each Party to provide a general report on such efforts to the Secretariat by 31 January 2002 and each year thereafter;
- To agree that each non-Article 5 Party should, if it has not already done so:
- Develop a national or regional transition strategy based on economically and technically feasible alternatives or substitutes that it deems acceptable from the standpoint of environment and health and that includes effective criteria and measures for determining when chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler product(s) is/are no longer essential;
- Submit the text of any such strategy to the Secretariat by 31 January 2002;
- Report to the Secretariat by 31 January each year thereafter on progress made on its transition to chlorofluorocarbon-free metered-dose inhalers;
- To encourage each Article 5(1) Party to:
- Develop a national or regional transition strategy based on economically and technically feasible alternatives or substitutes that it deems acceptable from the standpoint of environment and health and that includes effective criteria and measures for determining when chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhaler product(s) can be replaced with chlorofluorocarbon-free alternatives;
- Submit the text of any such a strategy to the Secretariat by 31 January 2005;
- Report to the Secretariat by 31 January each year thereafter on progress made on its transition to chlorofluorocarbon-free metered-dose inhalers;
- To request the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund to consider providing technical, financial and other assistance to Article 5(1) Parties to facilitate the development of metered-dose inhaler transition strategies and the implementation of approved activities contained therein, and to invite the Global Environment Facility to consider providing the same assistance to those eligible countries with economies in transition;
- To decide that, as a means of avoiding unnecessary production of new chlorofluorocarbons, and provided that the conditions set out in paragraphs (a) - (d) of decision IX/20 are met, a Party may allow a metered-dose inhaler company to transfer:
- All or part of its essential use authorization to another existing metered-dose inhaler company; or
- Chlorofluorocarbons to another metered-dose inhaler company provided that the transfer complies with national/regional licence or other authorization requirements;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to summarize and review by 15 May each year the information submitted to the Secretariat;
- To modify as necessary the Handbook for Essential Use Nominations to take account of the requirements contained in this decision as they pertain to non-Article 5(1) Parties;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to consider and report to the next Meeting of the Parties on issues related to the campaign production of chlorofluorocarbons for chlorofluorocarbon metered-dose inhalers.