Decision XXIII/10: Updating the nomination and operational processes of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its subsidiary bodies
Recalling the terms of reference for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel set forth in decision VIII/19 and amended by decision XVIII/19,
Recalling also decision VII/34 on the organization and functioning of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and specifically on efforts to increase the participation of experts from parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 (Article 5 parties) and to improve geographical expertise and balance,
Recalling in particular section 2.1 of the terms of reference of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel on the size and balance of the Panel, and the need to promote a membership that balances geography and expertise, including the overall goal of achieving a representation of about 50per cent for experts from Article 5 parties in the Panel and its technical options committees,
Recognizing the need for the process and criteria for the appointment of experts to the Panel to be transparent and equitable,
Recalling sections 2.2 and 2.3 of the terms of reference of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, on nominations to the Panel and appointment of members to the Panel, and specifically the provision that any nominations made by the Panel are to be communicated to the relevant party for consultation before recommendations for appointment are made,
Recognizing the need for parties to receive from the Panel advice of the highest quality and to ensure that changes to the nomination process do not have an adverse effect on the expertise of the Panel or the quality of its advice,
Taking note of the information provided by the Panel in its 2011 progress report, in particular in response to decision XXII/22,
- To request the Panel to compose its technical options committees and its temporary subsidiary bodies to reflect a balance of appropriate expertise so that their reports and information are comprehensive, objective, and policy neutral and to provide a description in reports by temporary subsidiary bodies on how their composition was determined;
- To request the Panel to update its matrix of needed capabilities calling for expertise on the Panel, its technical options committees and its temporary subsidiary bodies twice a year and to publish the matrix on the Secretariat website and in the Panel’s annual progress reports; this matrix should include the need for geographic and expertise balance;
- Also to request the Panel to ensure that the information in the matrix is clear and sufficient to allow a full understanding of needed expertise and that information on the nomination process, the selection process, the Panel’s terms of reference and the operation of the Panel and its subsidiary bodies is published on the Secretariat website in an easily accessible format;
- Further to request the Panel to standardize the information required from potential experts for all nominations to the Panel, its technical options committees and its temporary subsidiary bodies in line with section 9.5.4 of the 2011 progress report, and to prepare a draft nomination form for consideration by the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting;
- To request the Panel to ensure that all nominations for appointments to the Panel, including co‑chairs of the technical options committee, are agreed to by the national focal points of the relevant party;
- To request the Panel to ensure that all nominations to its technical options committees and its temporary subsidiary bodies have been made in full consultation with the national focal points of the relevant party;
- That all appointments to the Panel, and its technical options committees, including those of co-chairs, should be for a period of no more than four years;
- That members of the Panel or of the technical options committee may be re-nominated for additional periods of up to four years each;
- That the terms of all the members of the Panel and its technical options committees shall otherwise expire at the end of 2013 and 2014, respectively, in the absence of reappointment by the parties prior to that time, except for those experts that have already been nominated for four-year periods in past decisions;
- That parties may revisit the status of the Panel and its technical options committee membership at the Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Sixth Meetings of the Parties respectively if more time is needed by the parties to submit nominations;
- To invite the parties having co-chairs and members currently serving on the Panel and its technical options committees to submit re-nominations for those experts in line with paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of the present decision for consideration at the Twenty-Fifth and Twenty-Sixth Meetings of the Parties respectively;
- That a decision of the parties is required to confirm any re-appointment to the Panel;
- That a decision of the parties is required to confirm any temporary subsidiary body that exists for a period of more than one year;
- That the parties should confirm, every four years, beginning in 2012, the list of technical options committees needed to meet the parties’ requirements;
- That the Ozone Secretariat should attend the meetings of the Panel whenever possible and appropriate to provide ongoing institutional advice on administrative issues when necessary;
- To request the Panel to ensure that all new technical options committee members are properly informed of the Panel’s terms of reference, its code of conduct contained in the Panel’s terms of reference, relevant decisions of the parties and Panel operational procedures and are requested to abide by that guidance;
- To request the Panel to revise its draft guidelines on recusal, taking into account similar guidelines in other multilateral forums, and provide them to the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting for consideration by the parties;
- To request the Panel to prepare guidelines, for the appointment of the co-chairs of the Panel and to provide them to Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting for consideration by the parties;
- To request the Panel to consider the number of members of each of its subsidiary bodies to ensure that their membership is consistent with each of the subsidiary bodies’ workload and to propose revision to their numbers to the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting for the consideration of the parties, taking into account the need for geographical balance in accordance with decision VII/34;
- To request the Panel to update its terms of reference in accordance with this decision and submit it to the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting for consideration by the parties;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel not to apply the guidelines mentioned in paragraphs 17 and 18 until they are approved by the parties;