Decision XXIII/11: Montreal Protocol treatment of ozone‑depleting substances used to service ships, including ships from other flag states
Taking into account that Article 4B of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer requires parties to establish and implement systems for licensing imports and exports to phase out the production and consumption of Annex A, B, C, and E ozone-depleting substances,
Taking into account also that consumption is defined under the Montreal Protocol as production plus imports minus exports,
Recognizing that ships use equipment and technologies containing ozone-depleting substances onboard during operations in national and international waterways,
Mindful that many parties registered as flag States are unsure of the reporting requirements for ships under the Montreal Protocol,
Concerned that differing party interpretations of the Montreal Protocol with regard to the sale of ozone depleting‑substances to ships may result in the miscalculation of consumption or disparities in the reporting of consumption,
- To request the Ozone Secretariat to prepare a document that collects current information about the sale of ozone‑depleting-substances to ships, including ships from other flag States, for onboard servicing and other onboard uses, including on how parties calculate consumption with regard to such sales, and that identifies issues relevant to the treatment of the consumption of ozone-depleting substances used to service ships, including flag ships, for onboard uses for submission to the Open-ended Working Group at its thirty-second meeting to enable the Twenty‑Fourth Meeting of the Parties to take a decision on the matter;
- To include in the document any guidance and/or information on ozone‑depleting‑substances previously provided to the parties regarding sales to ships for onboard uses;
- To request the Ozone Secretariat in preparing the document referred to in paragraph 1 to consult as deemed necessary with relevant international bodies, in particular the International Maritime Organization and the World Customs Organization, to include in the document information on whether and how those bodies address:
- Trade in ozone-depleting substances for use onboard ships;
- Use of ozone-depleting substances onboard ships; and to provide a general overview on the framework applied by those bodies to manage relevant activities;
- To request that the document be made available to all parties at least six weeks before the thirty-second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group;
- To request parties to provide to the Ozone Secretariat, by 1 April 2012, information on the current system used by the parties, if any, to regulate and report on ozone-depleting substances supplied for the purpose of servicing ships, including ships from other flag States, for onboard use, on how they calculate consumption with regard to such ozone-depleting substances, and on any relevant cases in which they have supplied, imported or exported such ozone-depleting substances;
- Requests the Secretariat to include the information provided pursuant to the preceding paragraph in an annex to the document called for in paragraph 1;
- To request the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to provide in its 2012 progress report a summary on the available data concerning the use of ozone-depleting substances on ships, including the quantities typically used on different types of ships, the estimated refrigerant bank on ships and an estimation of emissions;
- To invite parties in a position to do so to provide, to the extent possible, relevant data concerning the use of ozone-depleting substances on ships, including the quantities typically used on different types of ships, the estimated refrigerant bank on ships and an estimation of emissions to the Panel by 1 March 2012;