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Article 3: Research and systematic observations

and as further elaborated in annexes I and II.

  1. The Parties undertake, as appropriate, to initiate and co-operate in, directly or through competent international bodies, the conduct of research and scientific assessments on:
    1. The physical and chemical processes that may affect the ozone layer;
    2. The human health and other biological effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer, particularly those resulting from changes in ultra-violet solar radiation having biological effects (UV-B);
    3. Climatic effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer;
    4. Effects deriving from any modifications of the ozone layer and any consequent change in UV-B radiation on natural and synthetic materials useful to mankind;
    5. Substances, practices, processes and activities that may affect the ozone layer, and their cumulative effects;
    6. Alternative substances and technologies;
    7. Related socio-economic matters;
  2. The Parties undertake to promote or establish, as appropriate, directly or through competent international bodies and taking fully into account national legislation and relevant ongoing activities at both the national and international levels, joint or complementary programmes for systematic observation of the state of the ozone layer and other relevant parameters, as elaborated in annex I.
  3. The Parties undertake to co-operate, directly or through competent international bodies, in ensuring the collection, validation and transmission of research and observational data through appropriate world data centres in a regular and timely fashion.