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Reported data

ODS production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

HCFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

HFC production

‘Production’ is calculated as the amount produced – amount destroyed – amount used as feedstock. It excludes amounts recycled and reused.
As a member of the European Union, consumption is reported in aggregated form, hence this party does not report its individual consumption.

At a glance

Focal points:

  • Ms Ingrid Borg NFP
    Regulatory Affairs Directorate, Technical Regulations Division, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
  • Mr. Martin Seychell NFP
    Director for Environment
    Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA)
  • Ms. Marie Antoinette Ellul NFP
    Senior Scientist
    Regulatory Affairs Directorate, Technical Regulations Division, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority

Status of Ratification:

Vienna Convention 1988-09-15 Ac
Montreal Protocol 1988-12-29 R
London Amendment 1994-02-04 Ap
Copenhagen Amendment 2003-12-22 At
Montreal Amendment 2003-12-22 At
Beijing Amendment 2003-12-22 At
Kigali Amendment
  • Ac - Accession
  • R - Ratification
  • At - Acceptance
  • Ap - Approval
  • Sc - Succession
Establishment of ODS licensing system: Yes
Establishment of HFC licensing system: Yes
Date HFC Licensing System Reported: 2019-03-25
Click here to view status of HFC licensing systems for all parties

Research, development, public awareness and exchange of information (Article 9)

Several countries have reported every two years on activities undertaken by them with respect to promotion of research, development and exchange of information on best technologies, possible alternatives to controlled substances and costs and benefits of relevant control strategies and promoting public awareness.

Click here for an overview of reports submitted by all parties.

Reclamation facilities reported by the Parties (Decision VI/19(4))

Parties report periodically on the reclamation facilities and their capacities available in their countries.

Party Report Date Facility Name Address Reclaimed Substances Capacity Remarks
Malta 1996-06-07 No Facility
Click here for the list of facilities reported by all parties.

The Multilateral Fund: US$56,500

The Multilateral Fund is the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol and provides financial and technical assistance to Article 5 (developing) countries to enable their compliance with the Protocol’s control measures.

The Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund has approved funding to Malta in the amount of US$56,500 as of 2024-05-31. This includes the funding for current ongoing projects (including agency fees):

Title Implementing agency Approved funding ($US)
No data available.
Total 0

As at 2022-12-31, US$56,500 had been disbursed.

This information is provided by Multilateral Fund Secretariat. For more information please refer to the Multilateral Fund website

NB: Malta received the indicated funding from the Multilateral Fund during the time it was classified as a party operating under Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol. Malta is currently classified as a non-Article 5 party and therefore no longer eligible for financial and technical assistance from the Multilateral Fund.