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Wednesday, 05 July 2023
A review of current understanding of HFC-23 emissions and contributing source processes
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: The Scientific Assessment & Technology and Economic Assessment Panels


Title: A review of current understanding of HFC-23 emissions and contributing source processes


Description: This side event will review our current understanding of the atmospheric abundance and emission of HFC-23 and how they have changed in recent years.  It will also include a discussion of the processes leading to the production and emission of HFC-23.  The information provided will stem primarily from the recent Science Assessment Panel and Technology and Economic Assessment Panel Reports, with some scientific updates, where appropriate.



Stephen Montzka & Helen Tope

Room: CR-4
SAP Presentation

TEAP Presentation

Smart cooling for smart cities
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: Cool Coalition / UNDP / Danfoss Climate Solutions


Title: Smart cooling for smart cities


Description: Heating & Cooling represent half of the final energy consumption in the world, roughly 90% is based on fossil fuels. Energy use in buildings is a major contributor, with cooling having the fastest growth (4% annually) of any energy end-use in buildings. This also impacts the electricity grid, especially during peak demand periods, as traditional air conditioning systems can contribute significantly to peak electricity demand in a building, often at peak cost. District cooling systems offer environmental, societal, and economic benefits. They support the energy and refrigerant transition, the efficient use of resources such as energy and water, and provide cost benefits for utilities and users alike. This side-event will provide tangible, real-life examples of the successful implementation of district cooling systems in different countries, including the renowned GIFT city in India (Gujarat International Finance Tect City). Based on these examples we will showcase the benefits of district cooling in view of moving towards low GWP refrigerants, reducing energy consumption and emissions, and saving cost.



Andrea Voight

Room: Asia Pacific Foyer


UNDP presentations

Reporting under the Montreal Protocol- electronic reporting tools and potentials for data assessment
Time Description Venue Documents
13:00 - 15:00
Organizer: European Environment Agency (EEA)


Title: Reporting under the Montreal Protocol- electronic reporting tools and potentials for data assessment

Description: Many Article 5 countries are currently developing, updating and introducing electronic systems for the reporting of ODS and HFCs under the Kigali Amendment while such systems have been in place in Non-Article 5 countries for several years already. The side event intends to facilitate an exchange on experiences in Montreal Protocol reporting and focuses on electronic tools as well as potentials for data assessments and links to UNFCCC emission reporting. 

After an introduction of the role of reporting for policy making and policy implementation, the EU experience on electronic reporting of ODS and F-gases will be presented. Workflow and processes as well as examples for specific data requests and the possibilities for data assessment and visualisation are explained. Furthermore, speakers from Article 5 countries (tbc) will present on their electronic tools for ODS and HFC reporting and (initial) experiences. A Q/A session will follow after the presentations. 



Peder Gabrielsen

Room: Theatre

Effective Emission Reduction through Energy Efficiency
Time Description Venue Documents
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Proklima Programme


Title: Effective Emission Reduction through Energy Efficiency

Description: Air conditioning and electric fans alone account for 20 % of the energy consumption of buildings worldwide. And the demand for cooling is rising. Time for more energy efficiency! The current funding window of the Montreal Protocol opens opportunities to invest in this topic. This side event shows examples for measures that can be taken. The focus lies on energy efficiency in the context of the HFC phase-down.



Kerstin Kress

Room: CR-4
Link to side event

Options and Opportunities in the Vehicle Sector: Progress and A5 Party Leadership in the HFC Phasedown    
Time Description Venue
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: Mobile Air Climate Systems Association (MACS) and Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) with experts from Tata Motors, UNIDO, World Bank, and SAE International


Title: Options and Opportunities in the Vehicle Sector: Progress and A5 Party Leadership in the HFC Phasedown      


Description: Motor vehicle air conditioner (MAC) manufacturing and service consumes a large amount of HFC-134a in Article 5 parties. Transitioning new vehicle manufacturing to low-global warming potential (GWP) alternatives can greatly reduce HFC consumption, helping A5 parties meet their Kigali Amendment goals. Improved professional service with proper tools can further reduce HFC consumption, helping assure compliance with the Kigali Amendment while reducing the possibility of HFC shortages. 


This side event brings together automotive experts and implementing agencies to explain what can be done including: progress and opportunities in the manufacturing sector; refrigerant selection for internal combustion engine and electric vehicles; the important role of reducing refrigerant waste in the service sector through best practices and recycling; and improving energy efficiency alongside the transition to new refrigerants in the MAC sector.


Kristen Taddonio


Room: Theatre
Implementation of Low Carbon Intensive District Cooling in Developing Countries : Learnings from India Cooling Action Plan
Time Description Venue Documents
18:00 - 20:00
Organizer: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)


Title: Implementation of Low Carbon Intensive District Cooling in Developing Countries : Learnings from India Cooling Action Plan

Description: The Indian Cooling Action Plan (ICAP) is one of the first unique policy document globally that links climate, refrigerants, and access to cooling in one comprehensive plan. One learning from the ICAP and other countries' experience is that even with strong building codes and standards, India will still have a huge energy and refrigerant demand for space cooling. 

This demand is likely to be larger than any other country in the world. This is one reason why the ICAP advocates for a shift to not-in-kind technologies in the medium and long term. These technologies include district cooling, trigeneration, and thermal storage. District cooling systems use a central plant to cool multiple buildings. Trigeneration systems generate electricity, heat, and cooling from a single source. Thermal storage systems store heat or cold during off-peak hours and release it during peak hours.

Cooling has been a neglected issue in global energy discussions, despite the clear impacts that have been reported from countries with high air conditioning demands for decades. ICAP believes these not-in-kind technologies can help countries to meet its cooling needs in a more sustainable way. These technologies can reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. They can also improve air quality and public health.



K. Umamaheswaran  


Room: Asia Pacific Foyer
Concept note
