Title: Cold Chain Innovation Hub (CCI-Hub) Philippines - Enabling sustainable food cold chain technologies in Southeast Asian Region (SEA)
Description: The side event will present the "Global Partnership for improving the food cold chain in the Philippines project" in its final year and share experience on challenges and opportunities when identifying, developing and stimulating the development of low-carbon, energy efficient refrigeration innovation technologies and business practices for the use throughout the food cold chain whilst increasing food safety and security.
The 4 presentations and Q&A will present and discuss the following 4 main areas:
1. Project intro and results and lessons learned of the policy component:
- MEPS for cold storage and DeliverE 2.0 database management tool that links cold chain operators with customers and generates insights on policy development
Speaker: Gilda Garibay, Project Manager
2. Project technology transfer, capacity building, demonstration projects using CO2 and hydrocarbons and increasing energy efficiency, spillover effect in SEA
Speaker: Jan Dusek, Head of Global Partnership, CCI-Hub & COO, ATMOsphere
3. Capacity building and introduction of natural refrigerants in food cold chain - relevant initiatives in the SEA region
Speaker: Philipp Denziger, GIZ, Proklima International
4. Update on global market and policy trends
Speaker: Thomas Trevisan, Deputy Manager for Public Affairs, ATMOsphere
Franziska Menten