9th ORM Recommendations Guidelines
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Armenia , Belarus, Russia
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Armenia , Belarus, Russia
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Belarus
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Belgium
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Czech Republic
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Germany
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Nordiv Countries
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Poland
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Switzerland
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: Turkey
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: USA
Activities associated with 8th ORM recommendations: WMO GAW Antarctica
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations : Asia 2
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations : Canada
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations: Africa
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations: Antarctica
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations: Asia
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations: Region 5
Activities associated with the 8th ORM recommendations: South America
Chinese Satellite Programmes
Czech Republic activities in Antarctica
EEAP Report Influences of ozone layer depletion and climation change on UV radiation: impacts on human health and the environment
European space agency activities
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) including GRUAN
Ground-based networks for measuring ozone - and climate related trade gases and current state of the atmosphere
International Ozonesonde activities
Japanese satellite Programmes
KNMI space - based management activities
Lessons learned in creating long-term ozone datasets: Recommendations for the future
Links between Ozone and Climate
Recommendations from the Eight Meeting of Ozone Research Manager Geneva May 2011
Report on the Vienna Convention Trust Fund for Research and Systematic Observation
Resultant Decisions of the Ninth Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention, Bangkok, November 2011
Scenarios and trends of ODSs and their substitues
Scientific assessment of ozone depletion and the interface with ORM recommendations
Summary of the key issues in space-based measurements: Identification of future needs and opportunities
The current and future states of the ozone layer
The European COST action EUBrewNet: Towards consistency in quality control, quality assurance , and coordinated operations of the brewer instrument
The global atmosphere watch ozone observings system and integrated global atomospheric chemistry observations for ozone and UV
The network for the detection of atmospheric composition change
The stratosphere-troposphere processes and their role in climate project of WCRP: The joint SPARC/IO3C/WMO/NDACC Initiative on past trends in the vertical distribution of ozone, SI2N
The WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme
US satellite programmes: NASA, NOAA, and other agencies