Draft decisions approved by the Implementation Committee under the Non Compliance Procedure for the Montreal Protocol at its sixty-first meeting for consideration by the Thirtieth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol
04 November 2018, 08:17
Timeline for reporting of baseline data for hydrofluorocarbons by parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol - Submitted by the contact group on data reporting under Article 7 and related issues
07 November 2018, 10:39
Critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2019 and 2020 Submitted by Argentina, Australia, Canada and South Africa
07 November 2018, 18:28
Financial reports and budgets for the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the Budget Committee
09 November 2018, 10:40
Draft decision XXX/[C]: Review of the terms of reference, composition, balance, fields of expertise and workload of the TEAP : Submitted by Bahrain, Egypt, India, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and United Arab Emirates
09 November 2018, 11:06
Adjustment to the Montreal Protocol: Submitted by the contact group on adjustments
09 November 2018, 11:08
Access of parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol to energy-efficient technologies in the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat-pump sectors: Submission by the contact group
09 November 2018, 10:53
Future availability of halons and their alternatives: Submitted by Australia, Canada, the European Union, Nigeria, Norway and the United States of America (Advance)
04 November 2018, 18:58
Future availability of halons and their alternatives: Submitted by Australia, Canada, Colombia, the European Union, Nigeria, Norway and the United States of America (Advance)
05 November 2018, 15:28
Review of the TORs, composition and balance of the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, and equitable representation of parties therein: Submission by Armenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf..
05 November 2018, 07:54
Update to the global laboratory and analytical-use exemption: Submitted by Australia and Canada (Advance)
04 November 2018, 19:02
Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol to phase down hydrofluorocarbons: destruction technologies for controlled substances: Submitted by the contact group on destruction technologies for controlled substances (Advance)
05 November 2018, 16:19
The need to study the relationship between stratospheric ozone and proposed solar radiation management strategies - Submitted by the Federated States of Micronesia, Mali, Morocco and Nigeria - (Advance)
05 November 2018, 19:25
Submission by India, Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia
09 November 2018, 07:33
Revised data reporting forms and global-warming-potential values for HCFC-123, HCFC-124, HCFC-141 and HCFC-142: Submitted by the contact group on data reporting under Article 7 and related issues
07 November 2018, 17:06
Revised data reporting forms and global-warming-potential values for HCFC-123, HCFC-124, HCFC-141 and HCFC-142- Submitted by the contact group on data reporting under Article 7 and related issues
09 November 2018, 09:08