clear Symbol Document title Documents 1 Decision XXIX/4 TEAP Task Force on Destruction Technologies Addendum to the May Supplemental Report en 2 Progress by the Executive Committee in the development of guidelines for financing the phase-down of HFCs en 3 TEAP Response to Decision XXIX/8 - Future Availability of Halons en 4 MBTOC CUN Final Assessment 2018 en 5 TEAP Response to Decision XXVI/5(2) on Laboratory and Analytical Uses en 6 Decision XXIX/10 TEAP task force report on issues related to energy efficiency while phasing down HFCS en 7 Report of the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel en 8 The 2018 WMO/UNEP Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion en 9 TEAP - Progress of work and key issues emerging from 2018 Assessment Reports en clear