Title: Safety Standards for Natural Refrigerants in IndiaAbstract: India has approved a Code of Practice for Design and Installation for Indian conditions for the Closed-circuit Ammonia Refrigeration System. It is working on the safety standards for R290 for room air conditioners. This meeting will discuss the progress made on the safety standards in India and international developments.To register click: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZpJyAhzrSOWWicjJAvrC2QFor information please contact: Ms. Apurupa Gorthi Research Associate International Forum for Environment, Sustainability and Technology (iFOREST)apurupa@iforest.globalTime (EAT Nairobi): 11:00 - 12:00
Title: Installing, operating and servicing A/C systems in the times of COVID-19
Abstract: With the COVID-19 global pandemic, air-conditioning sector comes to the forefront as one of key players that can contribute significantly to minimize the likelihood of spreading airborne viruses such as COVID-19. It also poses additional considerations to how installations and servicing practices of air-conditioning systems should be tackled either for new systems or for re-opening of business and facilitates after many lock-down months. This session intends to shed light on guidelines and references, offered by key international industry associations, that can be considered in safely and efficiently install, service and re-operate air-conditioning systems with COVID-19 into considerations.Click here to join event: https://unep.webex.com/unep/onstage/g.php?MTID=e4b57ac770831f03e78199e691c2a5c78
For information please contact: Ms. Anne-Marie Fenner Information Officer OzonActionanne.fenner@un.org
Time (EAT Nairobi): 11:30 - 13:00
Organizer: Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)
Title: Stop Environmentally Harmful Product Dumping!: Latest Analysis and Tools
Abstract: The Government of Ghana in partnership with CLASP and the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) present the latest analysis of the dumping of new and used refrigeration and air conditioning appliances in Africa that use obsolete ozone-depleting and greenhouse gas refrigerants and waste precious money needed for health, education and welfare. Participants will learn how to strengthen the Montreal Protocol and other international agreements to stop dumping and how to demand fast action on the HCFC phaseout and HFC phasedown under the Multilateral Fund (MLF).
To register click: https://unep.webex.com/unep/onstage/g.php?MTID=e27db07f0d852079932f808085752eb27
For information please contact:Ms. Nancy J. ShermanInstitute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)nsherman@igsd.orgTime (EAT Nairobi): 18:00 - 19:00
Organizer: Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (ARAP)
Title: Tracking, Training, Tracing: Trade Enforcement on Illegal HFC Imports
Abstract: The side event will focus on the impact of illegal imports on global trade and outline the current role of secretariat in facilitating import compliance accordance with the Montreal Protocol. The panel of experts will discuss cooperative efforts to eliminate illegal imports and the key elements of effective programs. The goal of the panel is to assess which enforcement measures must be undertaken by parties to ensure the integrity and success of the transition under the Protocol.To register and attend event click: https://unep.webex.com/unep/onstage/g.php?MTID=e513f4bdf8518ea45925b55c5fa473ce5
For information please contact:Mr. Christian Hallmark Associate
Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policyhallmark@alcalde-fay.com
Time (EAT Nairobi): 19:00 - 20:00