Vienna Convention | 1992-12-03 | Ac |
Montreal Protocol | 1992-12-03 | Ac |
London Amendment | 1992-12-03 | Ac |
Copenhagen Amendment | 2001-04-27 | R |
Montreal Amendment | 2001-04-27 | R |
Beijing Amendment | 2006-07-18 | Ac |
Kigali Amendment | 2018-11-01 | At |
Parties are invited to report to the Ozone Secretariat fully proved cases of illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances.
Party | Seizure Date Year | Substances Traded | Volume | Importing Exporting Country | Illegal Trade Details | Action Taken | Remarks |
Paraguay | 21 Oct, 2020 | HCFC-22 | 100 Cylinders, each of 13.6 kg | from Brasil to Paraguay | En fecha 21 de octubre de 2020 durante un procedimiento de control en el lado Paraguayo del Puente Internacional que une con la ciudad de Foz de Iguazú de Brasil, zona primaria de la Administración Aduanera de Ciudad del Este, la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas de Paraguay incautó un cargamento de 100 cilindros de R-22 de 13, 6 kg cada uno. escondidos en un automóvil tipo furgón marca Toyota que atropelló un control aduanero, dándose a la fuga, fue perseguido por las autoridades paraguayas, quienes le dieron alcance y procedieron a retener a las personas y decomisar las mercaderías encontradas por carecer de las documentaciones legales que avalen el ingreso legal al país, en violación a lo establecido en la Ley N° 2422 Código Aduanero, y demás leyes vigentes en la materia.Los cilindros decomisados ingresados desde el Brasil, se encontraban dentro de cajas con textos en idioma portugués, coincidentes con la información que se encuentra por los cilindros en portugués indicando ser de la marca EOS e importado en el BRASIL por FRIGELAR COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA. señalando como país de origen CHINA. Las personas retenidas no cuentan con cuota de importación de HCFC, ni licencia de importación del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES), tampoco se encontró factura legal de compra, por lo que, se dio inicio a un sumario en la Dirección Nacional de Aduanas (DNA) por supuesto contrabando. [English translation: On October 21, 2020, during a control procedure on the Paraguayan side of the International Bridge that connects to the city of Foz de Iguaçu in Brazil, the primary area of the Customs Administration of Ciudad del Este, the National Customs Directorate of Paraguay seized a shipment of 100 cylinders of R-22 of 13.6 kg each. The shipment was hidden in a Toyota van that ran over a customs control, escaping. It was pursued by Paraguayan authorities, who reached it and detained the individuals and confiscated the merchandise found, as they lacked the legal documentation that would guarantee legal entry into the country, in violation of the provisions of Law No. 2422, the Customs Code, and other laws in force on the subject. The seized cylinders, entered from Brazil, were inside boxes with texts in Portuguese language, coinciding with the information found on the cylinders in Portuguese indicating that they are of the EOS brand and imported into BRAZIL by FRIGELAR COMÉRCIO E INDUSTRIA LTDA. and indicating as country of origin China. The detained individuals did not have HCFC import quota, nor import license from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES), nor was a legal purchase invoice found, so a summary was initiated in the National Customs Directorate (DNA) for alleged smuggling.] | Cuando el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES) tomó conocimiento de la existencia de cilindros decomisados, en fecha 27 de octubre procedió a realizar la verificación del contenido de los mismos con el analizador de gases refrigerantes ARI 700, dando como resultado una pureza del 100 % de HCFC-22. - Decomiso. - Apertura de Sumario en Dirección Nacional de Aduanas. [English translation: When the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADES) became aware of the existence of seized cylinders, on October 27th, it proceeded to verify their content with the ARI 700 refrigerant gas analyzer, resulting in 100% HCFC-22 purity. - Confiscation; - Opening of Summary in National Direction of Customs.] | País de origen: China. [English translation: Country of origin: China] |
Paraguay | 2015 | HCFC-22 | 30980,8 Kg. | CHINA | En una verificación rutinaria de cilindros de gases refrigerantes se encontraron 2278 cilindros de HCFC-22 de 13,6 kg. cada uno sin declarar y escondidos en cuatro contenedores que declararon que contenían equipos de cortinas de aire y 570 cilindro de R-410A, y 571 cilindros de R-407C. (English : At a routine check on refrigerants gases cylinders, 2,278 unregistered cylinders for R22, of 13.6 kg each, were found hidden in four containers which were registered as containing air curtain equipment and 570 cylinders for R-410A, and 571 cylinders for R-407C.) | Se procedió a retener el cargamento, iniciándose un sumario administrativo en el Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, y realizándose, además, una denuncia en el Ministerio Público - Fiscalía Especializada en Delitos Ambientales. El Ministerio del Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible culminó el proceso con el pago de una multa y reenvío de los cilindros de R-22 a origen. (English : The shipload was detained, initiating an administrative summary at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and also made a complaint at the Public Ministry - Specialized Prosecutor in Environmental Crimes. The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development concluded the prosecution with the payment of a fine and sending back the R-22 cylinders to their origin.) |
The Multilateral Fund: US$5,624,969
The Multilateral Fund is the financial mechanism of the Montreal Protocol and provides financial and technical assistance to Article 5 (developing) countries to enable their compliance with the Protocol’s control measures.The Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund has approved funding to Paraguay in the amount of US$5,624,969 as of 2024-12-08. This includes the funding for current ongoing projects (including agency fees):
Title | Implementing agency | Approved funding ($US) |
HFC phase-down related projects | UNDP | 252,172 |
HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) | UNEP | 363,928 |
HCFC phase-out management plan (HPMP) | UNDP | 473,605 |
Institutional strengthening | UNEP | 265,000 |
Total | 1,354,705 |
As at 2023-12-31, US$4,284,554 had been disbursed.
This information is provided by Multilateral Fund Secretariat. For more information please refer to the Multilateral Fund website