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Annex II: Critical-use exemptions for methyl bromide for 2005

A. Agreed critical-use categories

Country Categories of permitted critical uses (metric tonnes)
Australia Cut flowers – field (18.375); Cut flowers – protected (10.425); Cut flowers, bulbs – protected (7); Rice (consumer packs) (6.15); Strawberry fruit – field (67); Strawberry runners (35.75);
Belgium Asparagus (planting material) (0.63); Chicory (0.18); Cucurbits (0.61); Cut flowers (excluding roses and chrysanthemum) (4); Cut flowers (chrysanthemum) (1.12); Leeks and onions – planting stock (0.66); Lettuce and endive – protected (25.19); Nursery (0.9); Orchard – pome fruit and berries – replant (1.35); Pepper, eggplant – protected (3); Strawberry runners (3.4); Tomatoes – protected (5.7); Tree nursery (0.23)
Canada Pasta and flour mills (47); Strawberry runners (7.952)
France Carrots (8); Chestnuts (2); Cut flowers, bulbs – protected and open field (60); Eggplant, pepper, tomato – protected and field (125); Forest nurseries (10); Mills and processors (40); Orchard and raspberry – replant (25); Orchard and raspberry nurseries (5); Rice (consumer packs) (2); Strawberry runners (40); Strawberry fruit – protected and open field (90);
Greece Cucurbits – protected (30); Tomato – protected (156);
Italy Cut flowers, bulbs – protected (250); Eggplant – protected (194); Melon – protected (131); Pepper – protected (160); Strawberry fruit – protected (407); Strawberry runners (120); Tomato – protected (871);
Japan Chestnuts (4.6); Cucumber (39.4); Melon (94.5); Peppers (74.1); Watermelon (71.4)
Portugal Cut flowers – protected and open field (50);
Spain Cut flowers (Andalusia) – protected (53); Cut flowers (Catalonia) – carnation, protected and open field (20); Peppers – protected (200); Strawberry fruit – protected (556); Strawberry runners (230)
United Kingdom Cheese stores (traditional) (1.640); Food storage (dry goods) – structure (1.1); Mills and processors (47.13); Miscellaneous dry nuts, fruit, beans, cereals, seeds (2.4); Ornamental tree nurseries (6); Spices (structural/equipment) (1.728); Stored spices (0.03); Strawberries and raspberries – fruit (68); Tobacco (product/machinery) (0.050)
United States of America Chrysanthemum cuttings – rose plants (nursery) (29.412); Cucurbits – field (1187.8); Dried fruit, beans and nuts (86.753); Eggplant – field (73.56); Forest nursery seedlings (192.515); Fruit tree nurseries (45.8); Ginger production – field (9.2); Mills and processors (483); Orchard replant (706.176); Peppers – field (1085.3); Smokehouse ham – (building and product) (0.907); Strawberry fruit – field (1833.846); Strawberry runners (54.988); Sweet potato – field (80.83); Tomato - field (2865.3); Turfgrass (206.827)

B. Permitted levels of production and consumption of methyl bromide necessary to satisfy critical uses in 2005

Country (metric tonnes of methyl bromide)
Australia 145
Belgium* 47
Canada 55
France* 407
Greece* 186
Italy* 2,133
Japan 284
Portugal* 50
Spain* 1,059
United Kingdom* 128
United States of America 7,659

* The production and consumption of the European Community shall not exceed 3,910 metric tonnes for the purposes of the agreed critical uses, and 100 metric tonnes of stocks.