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Tuesday, 06 November 2018
Ecuador's efforts to improve ozone and climate science: observations in the Galapagos, the Andes, and the Amazon
Time Description Venue
Organizer: Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and the Ecuadorian Meteorological Service (INAMHI) Description: This is a poster session held jointly by scientists from Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and the Ecuadorian Meteorological Service (INAMHI, Spanish acronym). In this session we will present ongoing efforts at both institutions to monitor the ozone layer as well as climate change-induced effects in sensitive ecosystems in the Ecuadorian transect from the Galapagos islands, across the Andes, and over the Amazon. The topics to be presented are the following: The ECHOz project (Ecuadorian Highlands Ozonesondes): a contribution to monitor the ozone layer within the framework of the Vienna Convention - Maria Cazorla - USFQ Scenarios for deforestation and carbon emissions in the Ecuadorian Amazon - Carlos Mena - USFQ Maximum ultraviolet radiation levels in Quito (Ecuador) during the period 2010-2017 and their implications to human health – Rene Parra - USFQ Dynamics of the electrical CO2 emission factor in Ecuador during the period 2001-2017 - René Parra - USFQ. Climate change and its effects in Amazonia organisms - Andrea Encalada - USFQ Humedales y carbono - Esteban Suárez - USFQ Ecuadorian glacier program - Bolívar Cáceres - INAMHI Ultraviolet radiation measurements with a Brewer spectrophotometer in the Middle of the World - David Tonato - INAMHI Soundings from the Galapagos Islands: a contribution to weather and climate monitoring - Manuel Carvajal - INAMHI Monitoring the total column ozone over Ecuador from satellite measurements - Guillermo Flores - INAMHI
Room: Foyer
Stop Environmental Dumping of High-GWP ACs that Waste Energy, Pollute Air and Force Climate Change
Time Description Venue
Organizer: IGSD Description: This side event describes the consequence of environmental dumping of air conditioners with obsolete high-GWP refrigerants and poor energy efficiency and gives policymakers a legal and policy “toolkit” that can be used to stop unwanted environmental dumping. It is a preview of a study being published by the Duke University Law Journal.
Room: M5
Unaccounted Emissions of CFC-11: Findings and Unanswered Questions
Time Description Venue
Organizer: EIA Description: EIA will present findings from our two reports on illegal use of CFC-11 in production of foams, and the still unanswered questions regarding illegal trade and banks of CFC-11 and other banned substances. We will also discuss the need for and recommendations for strengthening monitoring and enforcement of commitments under Montreal Protocol and national legal frameworks.
Room: M3
An insight in the trading of HFC Quota under the European HFC phase-down scheme
Time Description Venue
Organizer: ACT Commodities B.V. Description: As an independent party ACT is helping companies with the trading of HFC Quotas to fulfill their compliance obligation under the European HFC phase-down scheme. During our presentation we give an insight in the working of the European phase down scheme and share insights of the market dynamics. Afterwards there is a Q&A session.
Room: M5
Selecting the Right Refrigerant: Achieving High Performance While Reducing Environmental Impact
Time Description Venue
Organizer: globalFACT Description: Discussion about the evolution and availability of refrigerants that will offer information about choice and the impact on various parameters,including energy efficiency, safety and cost.
Room: M3
Opportunities and Lessons from the Transition to Efficient, Clean Cooling
Time Description Venue
Organizer: K-CEP Description: The Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program and its partners will announce new opportunities and early lessons from activities promoting access to and finance for the transition to efficient, clean cooling.
Room: M4