Organizer: Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and the Ecuadorian Meteorological Service (INAMHI)
Description: This is a poster session held jointly by scientists from Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) and the Ecuadorian Meteorological Service (INAMHI, Spanish acronym). In this session we will present ongoing efforts at both institutions to monitor the ozone layer as well as climate change-induced effects in sensitive ecosystems in the Ecuadorian transect from the Galapagos islands, across the Andes, and over the Amazon. The topics to be presented are the following:
The ECHOz project (Ecuadorian Highlands Ozonesondes): a contribution to monitor the ozone layer within the framework of the Vienna Convention - Maria Cazorla - USFQ
Scenarios for deforestation and carbon emissions in the Ecuadorian Amazon - Carlos Mena - USFQ
Maximum ultraviolet radiation levels in Quito (Ecuador) during the period 2010-2017 and their implications to human health – Rene Parra - USFQ
Dynamics of the electrical CO2 emission factor in Ecuador during the period 2001-2017 - René Parra - USFQ.
Climate change and its effects in Amazonia organisms - Andrea Encalada - USFQ
Humedales y carbono - Esteban Suárez - USFQ
Ecuadorian glacier program - Bolívar Cáceres - INAMHI
Ultraviolet radiation measurements with a Brewer spectrophotometer in the Middle of the World - David Tonato - INAMHI
Soundings from the Galapagos Islands: a contribution to weather and climate monitoring - Manuel Carvajal - INAMHI
Monitoring the total column ozone over Ecuador from satellite measurements - Guillermo Flores - INAMHI