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Monday, 20 November 2017
Past successes and future opportunities: case studies from the UNDP portfolio and innovative approaches to cooling without warming
Time Description Venue
Organizer: UNDP Description: The purpose of the side event is to explore the complementarities of refrigerant replacement and energy efficiency improvement in -cooling, possible financing instruments, and models for synchronizing action through a case study approach. The discussion will strive to build a better understanding of the costs and benefits of integrating the two.
Room: Room 3
Responsible Use of Refrigerants in Developing Economies: Celebrating 10 Years of Partnership
Time Description Venue
Organizer: UN Environment / ASHRAE Description: ASHRAE and UN Environment signed a cooperation agreement in 2007 aiming to achieve several environmental and technical goals within the mandate of both organizations including, but no limited to, the goals of reducing refrigerants emissions; maximizing climate benefits in selecting alternative refrigerants, building the capacities of different HVAC&R stakeholders and facilitate the transfer and adoption of suitable technologies in developing countries. A decade of partnering between ASHRAE –UN Environment is translated in to a success story that can be easily demonstrated through the number of successful joint events and products jointly developed by both. The cooperation reached to level of maturity to be articulated strategically in the direction that can best serve the needs of developing economies in terms of complying with the Montreal Protocol while advancing refrigeration & air-conditioning technologies and practices. The recent joint work plan for 2017-2018 is structured around the theme “Working beyond Low-GWP Refrigerants” which reflects the international movement to reduce dependency on high-GWP technologies in particular with the adoption of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol. This session will shed light on the joint efforts by ASHRAE and UN Environment to address needs of developing economies in relation to sound management of refrigerants through designing state-of-art tools and end products that can be used by NOUs and local stakeholders in capacity building and management programs of refrigerants.
Room: Room 7A-7B