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Tuesday, 21 November 2017
ATMOsphere Network Montreal 2017
Time Description Venue
Organizer: shecco Description: The event will focus on the potential of natural refrigerant technologies to fulfil the obligations of the Parties under the Kigali Amendment and share findings of a recent study prepared by Öko-Recherche for Greenpeace, which evaluated climate benefits of global HFC phase-out scenarios. In addition, presentations by the Environmental Investigation Agency will take a close look at the role of standards and other elements vital for successful implementation of the Kigali Amendment. shecco will share the latest market data and trends related to natural refrigerant technologies across different regions. More information about the event is available here:
Room: Room 6
Improving Energy Efficiency in Air Conditioning Systems as Part of an HFC Phase-down Strategy
Time Description Venue
Organizer: The World Bank Group Description: This side event explores the role that energy efficiency improvements in the air conditioning subsectors could play as part of a strategy to phase down HFC consumption. The side event argues that the gains from energy efficiency improvements are large for consumers, power utilities and governments and could help drive HFC phase-down. Energy efficiency could therefore be considered an integral part of the HFC phase-out strategy in the aircon sectors. The side event recognizes the unique tools of the Montreal Protocol and discusses how these tools could be applied to help drive technologies in aircon manufacturing and, if coupled with demand side energy efficiency instruments, including financial instruments, could achieve a sector-wide conversion towards lower GHG technologies in air conditioning subsectors. The side event offers an opportunity to discuss activities by MP implementing agencies and governments that can raise the bar on energy efficiency in air conditioning and contribute to overall lower GHG emissions.
Room: Room 3
Bahrain – Kuwait HFCs Outlook: Visualizing Scenarios for Envisaging Actions
Time Description Venue
Organizer: NOUs of Bahrain and Kuwait in cooperation with UN Environment and EPEE Description: Over the last few years, EPEE developed a special tool to analyze the European market response in relation to the application of the EU F-Gas regulation. The so called “GAPOMETER” turned out to be a very useful analytical model providing forecasts of future HFC demand in multi-national and multi-sectoral markets such as in Europe. The tool provided important insights into how a challenging HFC phase down can be achieved. It attracted the attention of UN Environment and some A5 parties since being presented for the first time in margins of MOP-27. Bahrain and Kuwait, while implementing the ODS Alternatives Survey projects, attempted to build forecasts for the HFCs consuming sectors, especially with the adoption of the Kigali Amendment. However, this turned out to be a quite complicated task given the diversity of applications in each subsector and the wider range of alternatives being offered, especially given the uncertainty about which and when an alternative would be available for high-ambient temperature (HAT) countries in the upcoming years. The HFCs Outlook model is an attempt by Bahrain and Kuwait to build different realistic scenarios for the use of HFCs in conjunction with the phase-out of HCFCs, primarily over the next decade, for different type of uses and applications. The model that is built in cooperation with UN Environment and EPEE, went into the details of each market subsector in terms of collecting historical data for the bank of equipment over the last 20 years, building estimates of consumption and drawing different scenarios for technology selection over the next 10 years. The process, of building the comprehensive “HFC Outlook Model” required rigorous data collection and validation at country level and a significant amount of software development
Room: Room 6
To be confirmed
Time Description Venue
Organizer: GIZ Description: This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol - one of the world’s most successful environmental agreements. Yet, while the Montreal Protocol successfully phased out ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and was recently amended in Kigali to tackle fast growing greenhouse gas emissions from HFCs, recent global trends clearly show we cannot afford to rest on these achievements. The demand for cooling equipment is growing rapidly, especially in developing countries, and global warming has become a reality. At this Side Event we therefore would like to invite you to take a look into the future. This reveals that meeting the Paris Agreement’s ambitious 2-degree-target in 2050 and our Sustainable Development Goals requires a broader and more systemic approach to sustainable cooling. To arrive at a truly sustainable and cool future in 2050 we need to start integrating diverse mitigation strategies and initiatives in the cooling sector. These could for example include renewable energy supplies, building designs, low-carbon lifestyles and the adoption of innovative cooling technologies, that go beyond replacing high-GWP - with low-GWP refrigerants.
Room: Room 7A-7B