Pre-session Documents clear Symbol Document title Documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/Workshop.10/1/Rev.2 Concept note and provisional programme (revised) en en clear Briefing notes clear Document title Documents Briefing Note A: The Importance of Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Sectors en Briefing Note B: The Potential to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pumps en Briefing Note C: Delivering More Efficient Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pumps: Policy, Financing and Investment en clear Case studies from implementing agencies clear Document title Documents UNDP: Experiences and Case Studies on Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector en en clear Information documents clear Document title Documents Biographies of facilitators, rapporteurs and presenters en How to download and use the mobile app en clear
Pre-session Documents clear Symbol Document title Documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/Workshop.10/1/Rev.2 Concept note and provisional programme (revised) en en clear
Briefing notes clear Document title Documents Briefing Note A: The Importance of Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Sectors en Briefing Note B: The Potential to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pumps en Briefing Note C: Delivering More Efficient Refrigeration, Air-conditioning and Heat Pumps: Policy, Financing and Investment en clear
Case studies from implementing agencies clear Document title Documents UNDP: Experiences and Case Studies on Energy Efficiency in the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector en en clear
Information documents clear Document title Documents Biographies of facilitators, rapporteurs and presenters en How to download and use the mobile app en clear