Description: The event will highlight the output and the results of a project implemented by UNIDO, as lead agency, and UNEP, as cooperating agency ; titled “Feasibility study for district cooling”, that aims to provide a detailed technical, financial as well as environmental and energy assessment / Roadmap for the government of Egypt, in the development of district cooling systems. Highlight also the output and the results of the testing programs that have been done under an initiative for the Promotion of low-GWP refrigerants for the Air-Conditioning Industry in Egypt (EGYPRA), within the HPMP framework.
Description: This workshop describes how to organize private and public buyers clubs to make super-efficient ACs using lower-GWP refrigerants more affordable by buying in bulk and streamlining distribution and installation. It will feature the latest edition of The Buyers Club Handbook, which is authored by an inter-organization team of experts and published on line by OzonAction and IGSD.
Description:Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) performs research in energy efficiency, refrigeration, and air conditioning of appliances in support of market transformation, and policies and programs around the world. This panel discussion will discuss a proposed approach to using LBNL's research as an input into a framework for coordinated investment in energy efficiency and refrigerant transition. Please join us for an expert panel that will present and analyze LBNL's scientific approach that could be widely applicable.