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Tuesday, 05 April 2016
Development of a framework for the disposal of ODSs and HFCs
Time Description Venue
Organizer: GIZ Proklima
Accumulated ODS and HFCs used in the RAC&F sector are central topics for A5 and non-A5 countries alike. The management and disposal of ODS and HFCs pose an essential opportunity that could accelerate the recovery of the ozone layer and contribute to climate protection given their high global warming potentials. However, the management of ODS banks including disposal is very cost-intensive. Setting the corresponding national frameworks and involving the relevant stakeholders are essential issues. By providing insight into their experience in the area of ODS management and disposal from various bilateral projects, GIZ Proklima would like to discuss in this side event questions on how to finance and sustain ODS management and disposal projects in order to support the global HFC phasedown. The presentations will refer to the context and instruments needed to initiate, monitor, and finance disposal of ODSs and HFCs.

For more information, please contact:
Claudia Becker
Room: 16
Modeling Montreal Protocol Amendments with IMPACT & Discussion of High Ambient Temperature Exemption
Time Description Venue
Organizer: NRDC/C2ES
The first half of the event will be an interactive workshop demonstrating the power of NRDC and IGSD’s Interactive Montreal Protocol Amendment Comparison Tool (IMPACT). IMPACT, an Excel-based software tool, allows users to view the permitted HFC consumption under each of the four amendment proposals or any of their own design. This demonstration will include evaluations of individual national data, which will include forecast data from Dr. Guus Velders and his team. The second half of the event will feature a discussion of the structure of a high ambient temperature exemption and an example definition of high ambient temperature countries.

For more information, please contact:
Alexander Hillbrand
Phone: +1-202-289-2413
Room: 17