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Thursday, 07 April 2016
Amendment Design Options For Resolving HFC Amendment Concerns; Examining Patents for HFC Alternatives in India
Time Description Venue
Organizer: IGSD, NRDC, & CEEW
This event will bring to the attention to the wide range of amendment design options that have already been applied by the Montreal Protocol to control of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and will demonstrate ways in which a combination of options can resolve potential HFC Amendment concerns. Panelists will also present a new paper on impact of patents on phasing down HFCs and options for Indian companies.

For more information, please contact:
Katie Fletcher
Phones: +1202398300 (o); +18583371605 (c)
Room: 17
IPR impediments to the phase-down of hydroflourocarbons
Time Description Venue
Organizer: CSE
The event will focus on solutions to potential IPR impediments for the proposed HFC phase down in Article 5 countries. The discussion will be in light of, available alternatives to HFCs and past experiences with technology transfer in India. 

For more information, please contact:
A B Rakesh Kamal
Phone: +91- 9618505254
Umang Jalan
Room: 16