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Precious Ozone: 30th Anniversary Of The Vienna Convention And International Ozone Day 2015

  • Precious Ozone: 30th Anniversary
    Of The Vienna Convention And
    International Ozone Day 2015
    International Ozone Day // 2015

Years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2006 - 2014

The Ozone Secretariat conducted the “Precious Ozone” digital campaign and outreach activities to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the 2015 International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer on 16 September under the theme “30 years of healing the ozone together” which was supported by the slogan “Ozone: All there is between you and UV.”

The campaign reached more than 1.3 million people through outreach activities that included the dissemination of ozone-related messages and campaign products, such as videos, 3D images, animations and interactive web tools through the Secretariat’s website, UNEP digital and social media channels and other outlets. The campaign communicated the successes of ozone protection efforts by the nations of the world over the past 30 years; latest scientific findings of ozone recovery; health, economic and climate benefits of ozone protection; and current and future challenges that need to be addressed for continued success.

The campaign’s products included a selection of visual images, animations and web-tools to help everyone from policymakers to children to better understand issues related to the ozone layer, such as what the ozone hole is like, where it is, how much ozone there is, or how deep the atmosphere is.

Theme and tagline in the six UN official languages


Theme: عاماً من العمل معاً نحو استرداد األوزون  30

Slogan: األوزون: الساتر الوحيد الذي يحميك من األشعة فوق البنفسجية


Theme: 共同修复臭氧层30年

Slogan: 臭氧层:你与紫外线之间的唯一隔离


Theme: 30 Years of Healing the Ozone Together

Slogan: Ozone: All there is between you and UV.”


Theme: Recuperación de la capa de ozono: Treinta años de trabajo conjunto

Slogan: Ozono: Todo queda entre Usted y los rayos UV


Theme: 30 ans de collaboration au service de la reconstitution de la couche d’ozone

Slogan: La couche d’ozone, seul rempart contre les UV


Theme: 30 лет совместно восстанавливаем озоновый слой

Slogan: Озон - единственное, что защищает нас от ультрафиолетового излучения



By Parties/Countries

Important links

UN Secretary-General's message

  AR | CH | EN | ES | FR | RU

Ozone song education pack


Ozone song melody line music


Ozone song sheet music


2015 ozone and climate poster

  AR | CH | EN | ES | FR | RU

30th anniversary logo

  AR | CH | EN | ES | FR | RU

Achim Steiner's Message on the 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Convention
Achim Steiner's Message on the 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Convention
Precious Ozone - The Climate Connection
Precious Ozone - The Climate Connection
Precious Ozone - The Size of it
Precious Ozone - The Size of it
2015 Ozone Day song
2015 Ozone Day song