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Refrigeration TOC Members

Refrigeration TOC Members


Five Rivers Research & Consulting LLC
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran , residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant with nearly 40 years of experience in the RACHP industry in various capacities - research, product development, sales, marketing, innovation and policy background.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent consultant
    • Government advice and other policy development: RTOC co-chair
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is travel expenses reimbursed jointly by the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (ARAP) and the Aircondioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran  
Date: 2024-04-16


American University in Cairo
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Omar Abdelaziz, residing in Egypt, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the American University in Cairo. I have academic activities (teaching and research) related to energy, energy efficiency, thermody, heat transfer and fluid dynamics related fields. My research is funded through the university, public funding programs, international funding programs, and private funding activities ( exergy LLC) . I also work as an independent consultant for national and international organizations and individuals (Dr. Yehia Massoud, CHAI foundation, UNEP, UNIDO, and MLF).
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am a self-empolyed international consultant working for hire for international organizations as mentioned in item #2 above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I don't participate in Government advice or other policy development except in the form of expert witness as needed (e.g.; expert witness to the UK house of Commons) and development of international policy documents (e.g., UNEP Global Cooling Stocktake Report).
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Through my active research at the American University in Cairo, I have a vibrant research profile with a rough annual budget of about 100,000 USD per year related to energy efficiency HVAC&R applications.
    • Other interests: Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Renewable Energy.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UN Ozone secretariat provide funds for travel, other activities are self funded.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Omar Abdelaziz 
Date: 2024-02-17 


Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, ROBERTO DE AGUIAR PEIXOTO, residing in Brazil, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Co-chair of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Date: 2024-02-16

Universitá Politecnica delle Marche
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Fabio Polonara, residing in Italy, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life- cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Fisica tecnica industriale (Thermal Sciences) at Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) in Ancona, Italy. My responsibilities include teaching courses and doing research in the fields of Thermal sciences, Thermal systems, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Renewable energies and Energy saving technologies. I occasionally work, intramoenia within UNIVPM terms, as a consultant for Companies, Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies in fields such as Energy planning, Renewables and Refrigeration. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis. At present I work at a joint project UNIVPM/Regione Marche on energy planning.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: University activities and consultancy as described in numeral 2) above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: As a member of my University Department, I occasionally do consultancy for Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies on energy planning and environmental issues.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None related to ODS or their alternatives. 
    • Other interests: None related to ODS or their alternatives.
  5. I conduct the work for TEAP and RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. Travel expenses associated with TEAP and RTOC and TSBs meetings are paid by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security of Italy (MASE) through a Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) with UNEP, Nairobi and by UNIVPM through my research grants.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Fabio Polonara 
Date: 2024-01-31 


Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ghina Annan, residing in Canada, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. Decarbonization business lead and expert working with Stantec, a multinational company on a global level. I am also ASHRAE committee chair for Building Decarbonization Whole Life Design Guide, Member in the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), Member of the International Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL), and a member of energy efficiency working group on Decision XXXIV-3.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests:
    • Financial interests:
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Decarbonization Business Lead, Stantec
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Ozone Secretariat funds ticket and DSA for my travel.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2023 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ghina Annan
Date: 2023-08-03

Johnson Controls
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Maria Celina Britto Bacellar, residing in Brazil, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a Mechanical Engineer, I work as Product Manager for Industrial Refrigeration in Latin America, part of the Global Products Group at Johnson Controls Inc. I coordinate the team of engineers that are responsible for making drawings and bills of materials to manufacture industrial refrigeration products. I also guide technically the sales and application teams by training and coaching them in refrigeration topics. I am responsible for identifying, developing and promoting optimum product lineup and constantly update them as the state of the art. My work also includes executive engineering for standard products and special equipment as well as thermal calculation for heat exchangers and special components. I use to participate in technical and commercial events by giving courses and lectures on Industrial Refrigeration promoting the use of efficient and sustainable equipment and natural refrigerants.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Normal mechanical engineering activities and R&D in refrigeration at JCI.
    • Government advice and other policy development: None.  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None.
    • Other interests: None related to ODS or their alternatives.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is is UNEP Nairobi. I conduct all work relating to RTOC on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. UNEP Nairobi funds travel and accommodation related to my participation in RTOC meetings.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Maria Celina Britto Bacellar 
Date: 2024-01-26 

Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Jitendra Moreshwar Bhambure, residing in India, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am self occupied consultant. I have more than three decades of experience in R & D and Manufacturing at senior position in a large HVAC company in India. Post my superannuation age, I am working as consultant at in Bue Star as Advisor technology and in CEEW as Advisor in policy research.
  3. I work as industry representative with Bureau of Energy Efficiency and Bureau of Indian Standards. I am also Chair of Process Division India division of IMechaE
  4. I am in the research committee of ISHRAE
  5. I also help small manufacturers and advise them on Quality and Productivity improvement.
  6. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  7. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I had received Shares as ESOP during my employment in Blue Star, however the quantum is not significant to influence any decision.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Presently employed in Blue Star and CEEW as Advisor and Consultant
    • Government advice and other policy development: Industry Representaive thru RAMA to Bureau of Energy Efficency and Bureau of Indian Standards
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: NIL  
    • Other interests: NIL
  8. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is thru Ozone Sec being from Article 5 country
  9. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  10. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  11. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  12. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Jitendra Moreshwar Bhambure 
Date: 2024-01-20


Xi'an Jiaotong University
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, feng cao, residing in China, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I'm a professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University, my primary research focused on automotive heat pump,air conditioning and thermal management technologies. Also focus on natural refrigerants, such as CO2, and their applications in electric vehicle thermal systems.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am currently a Professor of Energy and Power Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University in China. I also serve as the chairman of the Vehicle Thermal Management Committee of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration.
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is by UNEP Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: feng cao
Date: 2024-06-14


Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ana Maria Carreno Hoyos, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Senior Director of CLASP's Climate. At CLASP, I oversee the Climate portfolio, with programs targeting the implementation of ambitious energy efficiency policies in the highest emitting countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the United Stated. I'm also the Director of the Clean Lighting Coalition (CLiC), a global partnership to capture the health and environmental benefits of transitioning to energy-efficient, mercury-free LED lighting.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    1. Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    2. Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    3. Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    4. Government advice and other policy development:
    5. Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    6. Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is CLASP
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ana Maria Carreno Hoyos 
Date: 2024-01-24


Thermo King
Czech Republic
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Radim Čermák, residing in Czech Republic, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I work full time as a product portfolio manager, global rail HVAC, at Thermo King, a unit of Trane Technologies. My responsibilities include management of project teams from a tender phase, through product design and delivery, to warranty. I chair the Executive Committee of the International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) and the Czech National Committee for cooperation with the IIR.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Radim Čermák 
Date: 2024-02-13 



Carrier Global Corp.
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Yu Chen, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Executive Director, Engineering, Commercial HVAC, Carrier Corporation. My responsibilities at Carrier
  3. include leading technology and product development activities in the areas of HVAC.
  4. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  5. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. •    I own stock in Carrier (NYSE: CARR). Carrier has an interest in the topics of ODS or their alternatives as well as of the Montreal Protocol because Carrier manufactures refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning equipment utilizing ODS and non-ODS substances, including products aimed at meeting the environmental goals of the Montreal Protocol, that are sold world-wide. My spouse and children have no interest in matters related to the Protocol.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: •    Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Executive Director of Engineering at Carrier, as described in par. 2. Carrier has an interest in the topics of ODS or their alternatives as well as of the Montreal Protocol because Carrier manufactures refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning equipment utilizing ODS and non-ODS substances, including products aimed at meeting the environmental goals of the Montreal Protocol, that are sold world-wide.
    • Government advice and other policy development:  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  6. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is
  7. Carrier funds travel and accommodation expenses related to my participation in TEAP-RTOC meetings.
  8. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  9. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  10. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  11. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Yu Chen
Date: 2024-02-16



Re-phridge Ltd
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Daniel Colbourne , residing in United Kingdom, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a technical consultant, mainly in the field of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps, specialising in alternative refrigerants, particularly flammables and hydrocarbons.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    •  Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. My company provides specialist advice, technical support and carrying out studies related to the above topics.
    •   Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. My company provides specialist advice, technical support and carrying out studies related to the above topics.
    •  Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Director of my company, Re-phridge Ltd. Clients include implementing agencies (GIZ Proklima, UNDP, UNEP, UNIDO) and various RACHP equipment producers, contractors and end users.
    •  Government advice and other policy development: Development of European and international safety standards.
    •   Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Paid for research activities for various clients, typically manufacturers and end users of RACHP systems as well as research institutes/universities.
    •   Other interests: Several hobbies, unrelated to the subject of the Montreal Protocol.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Re-phridge Ltd.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Daniel Colbourne

Date: 2024-11-04

Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Sukumar Devotta, residing in India, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I superannuated as the Director, National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, India in 2008. I am currently Professor of Eminence (Honorary), Anna University, Chennai, India. I advise, either as an Honorary Committee Member or as an individual expert, Indian government bodies, including Ministry of Environment & Forests & Climate Change and Department of Science & Technology, generally on environmental matters, whenever approached by such agencies. I also as an independent consultant to local and international agencies in the broad areas of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, including issues related to Montreal Protocol and Climate Change, whenever approached. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis. Currently, I have no such contract on matters related to Montreal Protocol.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other position: as a mentor to a consulting organisation on Environmental Impact Assessment. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I act as an adviser to Indian government committees, including Department of Science & Technology on Science & Technology. This is not related to Montreal Protocol.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.
Daikin Europe
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Hilde Dhont, residing in Belgium, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Co-chair of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Department Manager of the Environment Research Center at Daikin Europe N.V.. My responsibilities include research on legislation and standards related to refrigerants and energy performance of HVACR equipment and installations in buildings, and climate related corporate sustainability reporting.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Daikin Europe N.V.  
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Daikin Europe N.V.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Hilde Dhont
Date: 2024-01-11



Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD)
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Gabrielle Dreyfus, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Chief Scientist at the Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development. My responsibilities include providing scientific and technical advice and supporting implementation of energy efficiency projects. I am also an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I provide technical expertise and advice to philanthropic and non-governmental organizations that develop knowledge briefs related to energy efficiency in the cooling and refrigeration sectors and technical support for public comment on draft policy.
    • Government advice and other policy development: None related to ODS, High GWP HFC or their alternatives beyond advice and technical support described above.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None related to ODS, High GWP HFC or their alternatives
    • Other interests: None related to ODS, High GWP HFC or their alternatives
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Gabrielle Dreyfus 
Date: 2024-01-23 


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Bassam Elassaad, residing in Canada, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant working on Montreal Protocol related projects for UNIDO and UN Environment.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent consultant  
    • Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None  
    • Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the Ozone Secretariat support for members from A5 countries
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Bassam Elassaad 
Date: 2024-02-20 

Chemours Company
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Mary E Koban, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am refrigerant expert. I would wtih fluorinated and non-fluorinated refrigerants. I work within the industry and provide information regarding physical properties (MIE, BV, LFL, Pressure Rise) of these heat trasnfer fluids. Within the automotive and stationary application areas, I provide information regarding heat transfer fluids handling, use, safety, storage, and end of life.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I am an employee of Chemours and have some Chemours stocks in a retirement account.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am an employee of Chemours.  
    • Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: I serve as a volunteer on several industry organizations and on one non-profit to further the HVACR and Automotvie industry.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is from my employer, Chemours
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Mary E Koban

Date: 2024-02-23 


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Samuel F. Yana Motta, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an expert inrefrigerants and the systems where they are used, including Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat pumps. I am involving in the development of the UNEP RTOC reports, especially in chapters related to refrigerants, Maobile AC and Not-in-Kind technologies.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. I conduct all work relating to TEAP, RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. UNEP Nairobi funds travel and accommodation related to my participation in TEAP, RTOC and TSB meetings as I am a technology expert representing an article 5 country (Peru).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Samuel F. Yana Motta 
Date: 2024-02-12


Refrigerant Reclaim Australia
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Kylie Farrelley, residing in Australia, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am the general manager of Refrigerant Reclaim Australia. A not for profit organsisation established 30 years ago to manage end of life ODS and SGG refrigerants.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Employee of Refrigerant Reclaim Australia
    • Government advice and other policy development: None  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: I have a insignificant number of shares in Arkema. A ODS, SGG refrigerant producer.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is RRA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Kylie Farrelley

Date: 2024-01-24 


Sanhua Group
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Qiang Gao, residing in China, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am engineering VP of Sanhua Green Energy Thermal Management company. Sanhua is a leading company globally, providing most energy efficient and competitive components. I have been working on high efficient and environmental friendly micro channel heat exchanger products business for over 15 years, and now is working on the thermal management application for renewable energy and energy storage. Meanwhile, I am the committee memeber of decarbonization and refrigerant transition of CAR, specifically working on the green components application for the HVAC/R decarbonization. I also work at couple of refrigerant working groups , and Decarbonization STC of AHRI.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Sanhua Group. No other employment.
    • Government advice and other policy development: No  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: No
    • Other interests: No
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Qiang Gao
Date: 2024-01-30


Gluckman Consulting Limited
United Kingdom
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ray Gluckman, residing in United Kingdom, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a Director of Gluckman Consulting. My responsibilities include:
  3. I work as a consultant specialising in refrigeration, refrigerants and climate change issues. Most of my work relates to the reduction of GHG emissions from high GWP fluorinated gases and through improving the efficiency of refrigeration systems.
  4. In the last few years I have worked for various public sector clients including the the UK Government, UNEP, World Bank).
  5. I also carry out projects for a wide range of private sector clients, including Trade Associations (in particular EPEE) and individual companies (Ricardo Energy and Environment, Kingfisher plc ), providing advice on topics such as implementation of existing Regulations on ODS and HFCs and the possible impact of future Regulations.
  6. Neither I, nor my wife or my children own stock or have proprietary interest in companies producing ODS or their alternatives or substitutes.
  7. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  8. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Employed by Gluckman Consulting, as described in Paragraph 2 above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: Carrying out consultancy projects for UK Government and UNEP, as described in Paragraph 2 above.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Providing HFC modelling support to InHale Reasearch project on global HFC emissions for University consortium led by University of Bristol, UK.
    • Other interests:
  9. I conduct all work relating to TEAP on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. The UK Government Environment Ministry (Defra) might pay for travel expenses to TEAP meetings if funds are available
  10. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  11. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  12. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  13. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ray Gluckman 
Date: 2024-01-22 


Petra Engineering Industries Company
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Samir Hamed , residing in Jordan, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am the research and development manager of petra engineering industries company
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: petra  
    • Government advice and other policy development: no
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: no  
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is my company petra and DSA only
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Samir Hamed
Date: 2024-01-23 


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Herlin Herlianika, residing in Indonesia, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant working on climate policies, capacity building, and technical advisory especially on energy efficiency and energy transition in Indonesia. I am a member of Refrigeration Technical Committee for The National Standard Agency of Indonesia. My voluntary activity as ASHRAE Indonesia Chapter is campaigning the sustainable technologies in RHVAC towards Nett Zero Building.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    1. Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    2. Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    3. Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am working as project leader for HEAT GmbH for Indonesian-Asian Low Carbon Building Transformation Project, funded by German government
    4. Government advice and other policy development: I am working as program advisor for CLASP NGO, gives policy advice for MEPs in appliances
    5. Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    6. Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is from the Ozone Secretariate as I am from A5 country
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Herlin Herlianika 
Date: 2024-01-23 



Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Yuki Kamioka, residing in Japan, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am HVAC and Environment Expert at DAIKIN Industries, LTD. I am focusing on the global adoption of more efficient HVAC products and the implementation of Refrigerant Recovery and Reclamation. I am member of the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC) and the Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA)
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Daikin Industries, Ltd.  Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None  
    • Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Daikin Industries, LTD.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Yuki Kamioka 
Date: 2024-06-17


Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Michael Kauffeld, residing in Switzerland, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a refrigeration professor
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Professor at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Director of Steinbeis Transfer Center Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - ST2K
    • Government advice and other policy development: EU commission and German Umweltbundesamt
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: yes, several EU nad national fundes research projects - none of them for any ODS manufacturer
    • Other interests: sailing, skiing, hiking, canoeing
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is 1.) time by Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 2.) Travel expenses by German Ministry of the Environment
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Michael Kauffeld 
Date: 2024-02-11



Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Nihar Shah, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Presidential Director of the Global Cooling Efficiency Program at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA. My responsibilities include managing and conducting scientific research and deveopment (R&D) on the energy efficiency of appliances including air-conditioning and refrigeration appliances to provide policy-relevant technical information in the public interest to governments, multilateral and international agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry and academia.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: As described above, I am employed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
    • Government advice and other policy development: See above under #2  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: See above under #2
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is governmental and philanthropic funds in the public interest.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Nihar Shah
Date: 2024-01-24

University of Braunschweig
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Jürgen Köhler, residing in Germany, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I work as a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, teaching courses and doing research in the fields of thermodynamics, thermal sciences and refrigeration and air conditioning, at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, a University in Braunschweig, Germany.
  3. Neither I, nor my wife or my son own stock or have proprietary interest in companies producing ODS or their alternatives or substitutes.
  4. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  5. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I work as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Publisher: ELSEVIER LIMITED, with offices at The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK.
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  6. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the German Government.
  7. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  8. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  9. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  10. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Jürgen Köhler 
Date: 2024-01-23 



Consultant, also A/gent Consultancy b.v.
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Lambert Kuijpers, residing in Netherlands, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant (Lambert Kuijpers) undertaking various assignments when requested. This includes (1) tasks for the Ozone Secretariat (UNEP Nairobi), (2) RACHP-related evaluations for associations, such as the IIR (this has e.g., been funded by Daikin Europe BV (Belgium)), and (3) review work on a paid or not paid basis (for journals, and association initiatives), all on matters related to the Montreal Protocol (alternative fluids and their applications, atmospheric topics, compliance issues etc.). I also do occasional (independent) consultancy for local and international agencies, including (GIZ/ Heat/ Proklima, UNEP, and the World Bank) in the broader areas of RACHP applications, including issues related to the Montreal Protocol and climate change. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term or annual basis and can be funded or not funded (i.e., in the latter case, they are paid from funds available in my consultancy company).
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following  
    • Proprietary interests:
    • Financial interests:
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I hold a position as director in my own consultancy company. This is directly related to all consultancies done under (2) All these consultancies are conducted on a short-term or annual assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: Government advice and other policy development: In this respect, I do not act as an adviser to anybody on Montreal Protocol matters, so no further details are needed.
    •  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I do not have any.  
    • Other interests: There are no other interests
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of RTOC is via funds from my consultancy company (mentioned above).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Lambert Kuijpers

Date: 2024-06-26 

Trane Technologies
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Stephen Kujak, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Director of Next Generation Refrigerant Research at Trane Technologies. My responsibilities include low GWP refrigerant research and development and high efficiency technologies
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Trane Technologies which include Trane and Thermo King brands and their subdivisions
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is my employer Trane Technologies
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Stephen Kujak 
Date: 2024-02-12 



Cambridge Refrigeration Technology CRT
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Richard Lawton, residing in United Kingdom, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am engineering and testing consultant working in the field of transport and storage refrigeration.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. The business of Cambridge refrigeration technology is testing refrigerants, refrigeration machinery mainly used for transport and storage and consultancy related to this field.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I have shares in Cambridge Refrigeration Technology
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide consultancy for the UK department of Transport concerning ATP
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Cambridge Refrigeration Technology
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Richard Lawton 
Date: 2024-01-24 

Guangzhou Sun Yat Sen University
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, TINGXUN Li, residing in China, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a Professor of Sun Yat Sen University, China. My responsibilities include teaching and doing the research on refrigeration and cryogenics.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I provide consultation to Midea Group on alternatives to HCFCs and HFCs.All consultancies are conducted on short-term or annual assignment basis..
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide consultation on alternatives to HCFCs to air-conditioner industries as an expert of China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection.These are related/not related to Montreal Protocol.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I have project on safety assessment of R290 funded by China government.
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: TINGXUN Li
Date: 2024-06-14

Stellantis Europe S.p.A.
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Carloandrea Malvicino, residing in Italy, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Head of CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies Department within the Enlarged Europe CO2 Plan organisation at Stellantis. My responsibilities include the development of strategic vehicle targets and the guidance for identifying and deploying the technologies and actions to achieve the target CO2 emission level.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Carloandrea Malvicino 
Date: 2024-01-24

London South Bank University
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Mary Najjuma, residing in United Kingdom, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a PhD researcher in Rural Efficient and Optimal Cooling Hubs. Occassionally, contracted by UNIDO for short-term consultancy work of verification of ODS consumption. I am currently working on a project under the "Climate and Ozone Protection Alliance for HFC and ODS Banks Management (COPA)" framework which involves a status quo analysis of life-cycle refrigerant management in 4 countries
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Part-time employment with London South Bank University under the Africa Center of Excellence for Cooling solutions and the cold chain, Short-term consultancies with UNIDO under the Montreal Protocol Division
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: PhD scholarship  
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is the scholarship and salary from part-time employment
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Mary Najjuma 
Date: 2024-02-20 


SINTEF Energy Research
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Petter Nekså, residing in Norway, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. My main position is as Chief Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research (SINTEF Energi AS) in the department of Gas Technology. SINTEF is a non-profit contract research company. My work is in general within Process Engineering, with Refrigeration technology as the main field of competence. My main task is to work as a scientific coordinator and to do quality assurance.
  3. In my work at SINTEF I may participate in contract research within the field of refrigeration, partly with special emphasis to alternatives to fluorocarbon refrigerants. This may include consultancy to companies, etc. on matters related to the Montreal Protocol.
  4. I am a co-inventor to some patents, thus has proprietary interest in alternatives or substitutes to ODSs, does not own stock in companies producing ODS or alternatives or substitutes to ODSs, does consulting for organisations seeking to phase out ODSs. My spouse has no interest in matters related to the Protocol.
  5. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  6. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. I am a co-inventor to some patents, thus has proprietary interest in alternatives or substitutes to ODSs, but these have not been persued further for many years
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: See paragraph 2 above  
    • Government advice and other policy development: See paragraph 2 above
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: See paragraph 2 above  
    • Other interests:
  7. (5) The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is partly from the Norwegian Environment Agency, covering travel costs as well as some manhours. The rest is upaid work
  8. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  9. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  10. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  11. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Petter Nekså 
Date: 2024-01-25 


Japan Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA)
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Tetsuji Okada, residing in Japan, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am President of Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIA). I have engaged in the research and development of the air conditioners and the hot water systems by CO2 (Eco cute). I am also familiar with the heat exchangers used in the air conditioners and the refrigerant circuits of the heat pump systems.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    1. Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    2. Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    3. Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    4. Government advice and other policy development: None  
    5. Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    6. Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is JRAIA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Tetsuji Okada 
Date: 2024-02-12 



Independent Consultant
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, M. ALAA OLAMA, residing in Egypt, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: A consultant for:- UNIDO, UNEP, World Bank, UNDP. - The Egyptian govermen, the Saudi goverment and the Kuwaiti goverment and the directorship of Tahla Agriculture Produce (TAP).
    • Government advice and other policy development: As above.  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: N/A
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. I conduct all work relating to TEAP, RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. UNEP Nairobi funds travel and accommodation related to my participation in TEAP, RTOC and TSB meetings. (A5) he source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: M. ALAA OLAMA 
Date: 2024-01-28 


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Pallav Purohit, residing in Austria, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. My main research focuses on a) modeling global, regional, and national emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases); b) evaluating the technical mitigation potential of F-gases and the associated costs; and c) assessing the energy efficiency co-benefits during the transition to low-GWP and natural refrigerants.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. Being a member of TEAP involves voluntary work on my part. The travel related funding for my involvement in the work of TEAP is provided by the Ozone Secretariat, UNEP.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Pallav Purohit 
Date: 2024-01-23 


Qingdao Haier Air Conditioning Electronics Co. Ltd
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Tao Ren, residing in China, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a senior system expert of Haier Air Conditioning Electronics Co. Ltd.
  3. Haier manufactures refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning equipment utilizing ODS and non-ODS substances, including products aimed at meeting the environmental goals of the Montreal Protocol, that are sold world-wide. My responsibilities at Haier include product development activities and system simulation in the areas of small and large size air conditioners, heat pumps and water chillers.
  4. Meanwhile, I am the committee memeber of decarbonization and refrigerant transition of Chinese Association of Refrigeration.
  5. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  6. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Haier Group as indicated in Paragraph 2 above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: None.  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None.
    • Other interests: None.
  7. The traveling and accommodation expense related to my participation in RTOC meetings is UNEP Ozone Secretariat, and Haier may also provide some accommodation for attending the RTOC meetings.
  8. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  9. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  10. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  11. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Tao Ren
Date: 2024-06-14


Carrier Corporation
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Giorgio Rusignuolo, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Vice President, Engineering, Carrier Corporation. My responsibilities at Carrier include leading product development and product support activities in the area of HVACR
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I own stock in Carrier (NYSE: CARR), the company I work for.
    • Carrier has an interest in the topics of ODS or their alternatives as well as of the Montreal Protocol because Carrier manufactures refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning equipment utilizing refrigerants, including products aimed at meeting the environmental goals of the Montreal Protocol, that are sold world-wide
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Vice President of Engineering at Carrier. Carrier has an interest in the topics of ODS or their alternatives as well as of the Montreal Protocol because Carrier manufactures refrigeration, heating and air-conditioning equipment utilizing refrigerants, including products aimed at meeting the environmental goals of the Montreal Protocol, that are sold world-wide.
    • Government advice and other policy development:  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. I conduct all work relating to TEAP, RTOC as part of my role of Vice President of Engineering described above. Carrier funds travel and accommodation expenses related to my participation in TEAP-RTOC meetings.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Giorgio Rusignuolo 

Date: 2024-02-11

New Cold System SRL
Burkina Faso
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, MADI SAKANDE, residing in Italy, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Knight of the Order of the Stallion of Burkina Faso, General Manager - New Cold System s.r.l in Italy and New Cold S.a.r.l in Burkina Faso New Cold System s.r.l. is a continuation of work begun in 1952 by Mr. Aldo Tovoli. The company produces systems and manufactures components for standard and special applications in refrigeration and air conditioning. and its subsidiary company founded in 2018 at Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso
  3. Thanks to the experience and continuous technical research, we are able to provide more products meeting the standards quality of the industry. And that's why New Cold System s.r.l. has become a reference company in the construction of facilities for refrigeration: hermetic and semi hermetic condensing units, mono-blocks and split systems, covered condensing units with low noise level, multi- compressors systems for commercial and industrial uses, production of heat exchangers.I am (describe your activity)
  4. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  5. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: President – Union of Associations of African Actors in Refrigeration and air-Conditioning (U-3ARC) / Instructor & Coordinator – Centro Studi Galileo / International Expert Consultant - UNIDO – UNEP - UNDP / RDL Master Trainer – UNEP & AHRI
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests: Training RAC technicians and new technologies in RAC sector
  6. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP, ONLY FOR TRAVELS
  7. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  8. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  9. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  10. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Date: 2024-01-11 



Centre for Sustainable Cooling, University of Birmingham
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Leyla Sayin, residing in United Kingdom, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am the Deputy Director of Centre for Sustainable Cooling at the University of Birmingham. I am
  3. co-ordinating, leading and supporting the Centre’s research activities from a systems-level perspective across multiple academic partners in the UK, EU, and Africa. My research activities include developing methodologies and models for understanding and estimating current and future size and nature of cooling and cold-chain needs, the associated environmental impact, and unintended consequences; the assessment of social, economic, and environmental impacts of sustainable cooling and cold-chain provision to underpin investments; creating data gathering and audit frameworks for fit for market and purpose cooling and cold-chain solutions across technologies, services, policy, finance, and business models; identifying the policy, capacity building and financial interventions required to accelerate deployment of sustainable and resilient cooling and cold-chain solutions at scale equitably.
  4. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  5. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:  
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:  
    • Other interests:
  6. I conduct all work relating to TEAP, RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. UNEP Nairobi funds travel and accommodation related to my participation in TEAP, RTOC and TSB meetings.
  7. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  8. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  9. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  10. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Leyla Sayin
Date: 2024-02-12


University of Stellenbosch
South Africa
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Nick Vink, residing in South Africa, a Member of MBTOC, and Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a retired economist who taught and conducted research in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Stellenbosch unitl my retirement at the end of 2020. I am currently a Director of Companies.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests:
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent, non-executive director of the South African Reserve Bank; Independent, non-executive director of Rooibos (Pty). Ltd, a for- profit company registered in South Africa
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Nick Vink
Date: 2023-12-1

Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Andrea Voigt, residing in Belgium, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am VP, Head of Global Public Affairs, Sustainability and Communication at Danfoss Climate Solutions. My role is to support the deployment of sustainable heating and cooling technologies at global level.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions:
    • Government advice and other policy development:
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in RTOC is my employer
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Andrea Voigt
Date: 2024-02-14



Vonsild Consulting
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Asbjørn Leth Vonsild, residing in Denmark, a Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant with focus on refrigerants and standard relating to refrigeration, air-conditioning and heatpumps.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    •   Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    •   Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I own approximately 55.000 USD worth of stocks in Danfoss A/S. I have no other proprietary interests in any kind of refrigerants or systems and neither does any of my family or friends. I have no other stocks or proprietary interest in companies producing refrigerants, or companies developing or producing equipment that would apply (use) these.
    •   Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I do consulting on both fluorinated and non-flurinated alternatives. I carry out work for various private sector client, such as Danfoss, Daikin, and Chemours.
    •   Government advice and other policy development: No current activities  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    •  Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Vonsild Consulting ApS.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Asbjørn Leth Vonsild

Date: 2024-10-31

United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Christian Wisniewski, residing in United States of America, a Member of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time employee of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Stratospheric Protection Division, Washington, D.C. My responsibilities include working as an Environmental Protection Specialist providing technical expertise on regulations under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), including the management of HFCs in existing equipment and assessment of HFCs and substitutes in new equipment. I have also provided technical expertise related to the sector-based transitions of HFCs to new substitutes and technologies in the refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump sector and other sectors.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am not currently employed, consulting, or hold any other position in an entity which has an interest in the subject matter of the RTOC or the task force.
    • Government advice and other policy development: My responsibilities at the USEPA may include providing information and advice to stakeholders on the interpretation and compliance with national regulations to protect the ozone layer and climate related to the transition to alternatives in the U.S. I do not provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I am not performing any paid research activities or receive any fellowships or grants for work related to a proposed use of an ODS or HFCs or an alternative to a proposed use of an ODS or HFCs.
    • Other interests: I do not have other interests related to the subject matter of the RTOC or the task force.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP, including travel expenses to atttend meetings, is US EPA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Christian Wisniewski 
Date: 2024-02-28