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TEAP Co-chairs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Bella Maranion, residing in United States of America, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA), Washington, DC. My responsibilities include working as Senior Advisor to the Stratospheric Protection Division, supporting the U.S. transition away from ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). In this capacity, I work supporting transitions within the various sectors of use and on issues such as recovery/recycling and destruction at end of life with related government and nongovernmental organizations and stakeholders in the U.S. The USEPA has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because the Agency is responsible for implementing national regulations and policies to meet the US commitments under the Protocol. In addition, the USEPA has funded government and non-governmental organizations working on ozone layer and climate protection, atmospheric science, and environmental and health effects research.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I do not hold any other position in any entity which has an interest in the subject matter of this task force.
    • Government advice and other policy development: My responsibilities at the USEPA may include providing information and advice to stakeholders on the interpretation and compliance with national regulations to protect the ozone layer and related to the transition away from ODS and HFCs in the U.S. I do not provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I am not performing any paid research activities or receive any fellowships or grants.
    • Other interests: I do not have other interests related to the subject matter of the TEAP.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is USEPA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Bella Maranion 
Date: 2024-01-16 


Independent Consultant
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Marta Pizano, residing in Colombia, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of MBTOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant often working for the Montreal Protocol Implementing Agencies. I have been involved with methyl bromide users and other key stakeholders in many countries, to identify and implement alternatives to methyl bromide, including research on QPS uses and their alternatives. Currently, I also consult for the agencies on other topics related to ODS and the Montreal Protocol, for example the sustainability of the phase-out achieved for different ODS, clarification on exempted uses, communication materials to raise awareness on various issues relating to the Protocol and its Kigali Amendment, SDGs, gender mainstreaming and others. I have worked for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its OzonAction Programme and the Ozone Secretariat and the World Bank (WB). I have also assisted the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund (MLF) with monitoring and evaluation work. These assignements are conducted on a short-term basis, as an external consultant.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Consultancy contracts for Implementinng Agencies of the Monntreal Protocol and the Multilateral Fund as described above. Currently TEAP ad MBTOC co-chair
    • Government advice and other policy development: NO
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: NO
    • Other interests: Consultant for International agencies such as USAID, CBI, ITC mainly on enhancing competitiveness in agricultural sectors geared for export in developing countries. Editor and writer.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP through its Ozone Secretariat, covering my travel and accomnodation plus an administrative fee for report preparation, meeting organization and others as related to the TEAP and MBTOC. As a consultant who is self- employed, I conduct other work related to the Panel and MBTOC on a voluntary (unpaid) basis.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Marta Pizano 
Date: 2024-01-16 

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ashley Woodcock, residing in United Kingdom, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Member of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University of Manchester UK and a Consultant Physician at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. I am Chairman of Axalbion (Cough Treatment) and Reacta Healthcare (Allergy Diagnosis), neither of which have any proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • I am Chairman of the Medicines Evaluation Unit (MEU), which carries out Phase 1-4 clinical trials in patients with respiratory disease, including novel inhaled therapies. It is owned by the NW Lung Centre Charity, which puts all surplus into its charitable aims to improve the life of pateints with lung disease through research and improved care.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I have acted as a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline and Orion. I have presented on green inhalers at a symposium for Orion
    • Government advice and other policy development: None relevant  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None relevant
    • Other interests: None relevant
  5. My TEAP Co-chair role is voluntary. The source of funding for my travel/accomodation to participate in the work of TEAP is my University and Hospital, and the United Kingdom Government (DEFRA).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ashley Woodcock 
Date: 2023-12-27