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TEAP Members

TEAP Members

TEAP Co-chairs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Bella Maranion, residing in United States of America, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA), Washington, DC. My responsibilities include working as Senior Advisor to the Stratospheric Protection Division, supporting the U.S. transition away from ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). In this capacity, I work supporting transitions within the various sectors of use and on issues such as recovery/recycling and destruction at end of life with related government and nongovernmental organizations and stakeholders in the U.S. The USEPA has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because the Agency is responsible for implementing national regulations and policies to meet the US commitments under the Protocol. In addition, the USEPA has funded government and non-governmental organizations working on ozone layer and climate protection, atmospheric science, and environmental and health effects research.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I do not hold any other position in any entity which has an interest in the subject matter of this task force.
    • Government advice and other policy development: My responsibilities at the USEPA may include providing information and advice to stakeholders on the interpretation and compliance with national regulations to protect the ozone layer and related to the transition away from ODS and HFCs in the U.S. I do not provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I am not performing any paid research activities or receive any fellowships or grants.
    • Other interests: I do not have other interests related to the subject matter of the TEAP.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is USEPA.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Bella Maranion 
Date: 2024-01-16 


Independent Consultant
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Marta Pizano, residing in Colombia, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of MBTOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant often working for the Montreal Protocol Implementing Agencies. I have been involved with methyl bromide users and other key stakeholders in many countries, to identify and implement alternatives to methyl bromide, including research on QPS uses and their alternatives. Currently, I also consult for the agencies on other topics related to ODS and the Montreal Protocol, for example the sustainability of the phase-out achieved for different ODS, clarification on exempted uses, communication materials to raise awareness on various issues relating to the Protocol and its Kigali Amendment, SDGs, gender mainstreaming and others. I have worked for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and its OzonAction Programme and the Ozone Secretariat and the World Bank (WB). I have also assisted the Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund (MLF) with monitoring and evaluation work. These assignements are conducted on a short-term basis, as an external consultant.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Consultancy contracts for Implementinng Agencies of the Monntreal Protocol and the Multilateral Fund as described above. Currently TEAP ad MBTOC co-chair
    • Government advice and other policy development: NO
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: NO
    • Other interests: Consultant for International agencies such as USAID, CBI, ITC mainly on enhancing competitiveness in agricultural sectors geared for export in developing countries. Editor and writer.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP through its Ozone Secretariat, covering my travel and accomnodation plus an administrative fee for report preparation, meeting organization and others as related to the TEAP and MBTOC. As a consultant who is self- employed, I conduct other work related to the Panel and MBTOC on a voluntary (unpaid) basis.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Marta Pizano 
Date: 2024-01-16 

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ashley Woodcock, residing in United Kingdom, a Co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Member of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Respiratory Medicine at University of Manchester UK and a Consultant Physician at the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body. I am Chairman of Axalbion (Cough Treatment) and Reacta Healthcare (Allergy Diagnosis), neither of which have any proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • I am Chairman of the Medicines Evaluation Unit (MEU), which carries out Phase 1-4 clinical trials in patients with respiratory disease, including novel inhaled therapies. It is owned by the NW Lung Centre Charity, which puts all surplus into its charitable aims to improve the life of pateints with lung disease through research and improved care.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I have acted as a consultant for GlaxoSmithKline and Orion. I have presented on green inhalers at a symposium for Orion
    • Government advice and other policy development: None relevant  Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None relevant
    • Other interests: None relevant
  5. My TEAP Co-chair role is voluntary. The source of funding for my travel/accomodation to participate in the work of TEAP is my University and Hospital, and the United Kingdom Government (DEFRA).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ashley Woodcock 
Date: 2023-12-27 


Senior Expert Member

Independent Expert
Costa Rica
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Marco Antonio Gonzalez Salazar, residing in Costa Rica, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent Expert/Consultant. I have worked with UNEP, UNDP, GEF and the Institute of Governance & Sustainable Development. My areas of responsibility relate to Ozone Protection and Climate Change, Ozone and Climate Treaties and Energy Efficiency. I also do voluntary work on a need basis for ozone and climate colleagues that seek clarifications about the Ozone/CLimate treaties and their evolution.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: As decribed above.  
    • Government advice and other policy development: None
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: My special interest is now focused in writting a historical novel on the "Divine Harmony of the Ozone Layer"
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP's Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Marco Antonio Gonzalez Salazar 
Date: 2024-02-12


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Sukumar Devotta, residing in India, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I superannuated as the Director, National Environment Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, India in 2008. I am currently Professor of Eminence (Honorary), Anna University, Chennai, India. I advise, either as an Honorary Committee Member or as an individual expert, Indian government bodies, including Ministry of Environment & Forests & Climate Change and Department of Science & Technology, generally on environmental matters, whenever approached by such agencies. I also as an independent consultant to local and international agencies in the broad areas of Chemical & Environmental Engineering, including issues related to Montreal Protocol and Climate Change, whenever approached. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis. Currently, I have no such contract on matters related to Montreal Protocol.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other position: as a mentor to a consulting organisation on Environmental Impact Assessment. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I act as an adviser to Indian government committees, including Department of Science & Technology on Science & Technology. This is not related to Montreal Protocol.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.
Gluckman Consulting Limited
United Kingdom
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ray Gluckman, residing in United Kingdom, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a Director of Gluckman Consulting. My responsibilities include:
  3. I work as a consultant specialising in refrigeration, refrigerants and climate change issues. Most of my work relates to the reduction of GHG emissions from high GWP fluorinated gases and through improving the efficiency of refrigeration systems.
  4. In the last few years I have worked for various public sector clients including the the UK Government, UNEP, World Bank).
  5. I also carry out projects for a wide range of private sector clients, including Trade Associations (in particular EPEE) and individual companies (Ricardo Energy and Environment, Kingfisher plc ), providing advice on topics such as implementation of existing Regulations on ODS and HFCs and the possible impact of future Regulations.
  6. Neither I, nor my wife or my children own stock or have proprietary interest in companies producing ODS or their alternatives or substitutes.
  7. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  8. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Employed by Gluckman Consulting, as described in Paragraph 2 above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: Carrying out consultancy projects for UK Government and UNEP, as described in Paragraph 2 above.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Providing HFC modelling support to InHale Reasearch project on global HFC emissions for University consortium led by University of Bristol, UK.
    • Other interests:
  9. I conduct all work relating to TEAP on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. The UK Government Environment Ministry (Defra) might pay for travel expenses to TEAP meetings if funds are available
  10. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  11. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  12. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  13. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Ray Gluckman 
Date: 2024-01-22 


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Suely Maria Machado Carvalho, residing in Brazil, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent expert/ consultant. As consultant and senior expert/adviser, I work with several institutions, such as the World Bank (OORG), UNDP, UNEP, BRSC Secretariat, Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development (IGSD), and the International Energy Initiative-Brazil, Institute Climate and Society (ICS)-Brazil. My responsibilities include topics related to Montreal Protocol, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, and Chemicals and Waste conventions, more especifically the Stockholm Convention on POPs. I am also co-chair for the TEAP Working Group on Decision XXVII/2, in 2024.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Retired from UNDP; currently Co-Chair TEAP Working Group on Decision XXVII/2 (2024); consultant for the BRS Secretariat on the Needs Assessment for the GEF Replenishment regarding Stockholm Convention on POPs, consultant on energy efficiency in Brazil (IGSD and International Energy Initiative( IEI-Brazil).
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is from Ozone Secretariat
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Suely Maria Machado Carvalho 
Date: 2024-01-19


Peking University
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Shiqiu Zhang, residing in China, a Senior Expert of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a Professor of Peking University, Beijing of China. My responsibilities include teaching courses and conducting research activities in the fields of Environmental Economics, environmental policy and governance.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: University activities and academic activities.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I do consultancy for national and local Governments on environmental pollution control and policy issues.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: am not the recipients of any paid research activities or any fellowships or grants for work related to a proposed use of an ozone-depleting substance or an alternative to a proposed use of an ozone depleting substance.
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of the TEAP RTF is on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis, Travel expenses associated with TEAP and task forces meetings are paid by UNEP, and sometimes by Peking University.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Shiqiu Zhang
Date: 2024-02-18

TOC Co-Chair

Five Rivers Research & Consulting LLC
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran , residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an independent consultant with nearly 40 years of experience in the RACHP industry in various capacities - research, product development, sales, marketing, innovation and policy background.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Independent consultant
    • Government advice and other policy development: RTOC co-chair
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: N/A
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is travel expenses reimbursed jointly by the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (ARAP) and the Aircondioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI).
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Natarajan (Rajan) Rajendran  
Date: 2024-04-16


American University in Cairo
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Omar Abdelaziz, residing in Egypt, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the American University in Cairo. I have academic activities (teaching and research) related to energy, energy efficiency, thermody, heat transfer and fluid dynamics related fields. My research is funded through the university, public funding programs, international funding programs, and private funding activities ( exergy LLC) . I also work as an independent consultant for national and international organizations and individuals (Dr. Yehia Massoud, CHAI foundation, UNEP, UNIDO, and MLF).
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am a self-empolyed international consultant working for hire for international organizations as mentioned in item #2 above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I don't participate in Government advice or other policy development except in the form of expert witness as needed (e.g.; expert witness to the UK house of Commons) and development of international policy documents (e.g., UNEP Global Cooling Stocktake Report).
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Through my active research at the American University in Cairo, I have a vibrant research profile with a rough annual budget of about 100,000 USD per year related to energy efficiency HVAC&R applications.
    • Other interests: Thermal and Fluid Sciences, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Renewable Energy.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UN Ozone secretariat provide funds for travel, other activities are self funded.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Omar Abdelaziz 
Date: 2024-02-17 


Independent Expert
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Paulo Altoe, residing in Brazil, a Co-chair of Foams Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am self-employed as independent consultant in Polyurethane Technology. My responsibilities include formulation development, technical service, and processing advice for polyurethane industry.I am (describe your activity)
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Except for my activities as consultant in polyurethane technology, I’m not employed by, do not consult for, do not serve as a director of, or hold any other position for any entity which has an interest in the subject matter of the TEAP, FTOC
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide technical information about alternatives and options for the transition of Montreal Protocol controlled substances that is used by Brazil, other parties, and other organizations in their implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Neither I, nor my spouse, engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: No conflict  
    • Other interests: No Conflict
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP and FTOC is UN Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Paulo Altoe
Date: 2024-02-19


Collins Aerospace
United Kingdom
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Adam Chattaway, residing in United Kingdom, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co- chair of the Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time, salaried employee of Collins Aerospace, a company which manufactures, amongst many diverse aerospace products,  fire detection and suppression systems for aircraft and military vehicles. I am a Chief Engineer, specialising in fire suppression and halon replacements. I have been actively researching halons, HCFCs, HFCs  and their replacements for over 30 years.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: None. Government advice and other policy development: None.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None.
    • Other interests: None relevant to the work of the FSTOC or the TEAP.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is my employer, Collins Aerospace, and on some occasions, the Government of the United Kingdom.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Adam Chattaway

Date: 2023-12-11 

Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, ROBERTO DE AGUIAR PEIXOTO, residing in Brazil, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Co-chair of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I work as a Professor of postgraduate courses at the Instituto Maua de Tecnologia, a Technical University in Sao Caetano do Sul, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Occasionally I work as an independent consultant. I consult for various entities. These include organisations dealing with refrigeration and air conditioning issues, and organisations dealing with Montreal Protocol and UNFCCC related climate issues, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis.
    • Government advice and other policy development: none  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: none
    • Other interests: none
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP Ozone Secretariat
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Date: 2024-02-16

AGC Chemicals Inc.
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Takeshi Eriguchi, residing in Japan, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a manager at AGC Inc. based on Tokyo, which manufactures HCFCs, HFCs, HFEs, HCFOs and HFOs. I'm working for the company to support its advocacy activities.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I'm working for AGC Inc. for its advocacy activities.
    • Government advice and other policy development: None Paid research activities, fellowships or grants:
    • None Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is AGC Inc.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Takeshi Eriguchi

Date: 2023-12-12 

All Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection
Russian Federation
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Sergey N. Kopylov, residing in Russian Federation, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co- chair of the Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time, salaried Head Research Scientist of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fire Protection (VNIIPO), The institute is located in Balashikha, Russian Federation. VNIIPO conducts R&D projects, certification and provides consulting services in area of fire and explosion protection.
    My main activity for VNIIPO is focused on issues related to fixed fire suppression systems of any type, flame detectors and portable extinguishers. VNIIPO has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because it is a body responsible for technical control of Montreal Protocol related issues in Russia.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I currently provide consulting services through VNIIPO for many organizations that may be affected positively or negatively by the matters related to the Montreal Protocol. Except for my work for VNIIPO, neither I nor my spouse are employed by, do not consult for, do not serve as a director of or hold any other position for any entity which has an interest in the subject matter of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel.
    • Government advice and other policy development: Neither I nor my spouse provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Except for my work for VNIIPO, neither I nor my spouse are the recipients of any paid research activities or any fellowships or grants for work related to a proposed use of an ozone-depleting substance or an alternative to a proposed use of an ozone depleting substance.
    • Other interests: Neither I nor my spouse have other interests related to the subject matter of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel or the Montreal Protocol.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of the Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee and the Technology and Economics Assessment Panel typically comes from UNEP’s Ozone Secretariat.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed:Sergey N. Kopylov
Date: 2023-12-27

Universitá Politecnica delle Marche
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Fabio Polonara, residing in Italy, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), Co-chair of Refrigeration TOC, and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life- cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Professor of Fisica tecnica industriale (Thermal Sciences) at Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) in Ancona, Italy. My responsibilities include teaching courses and doing research in the fields of Thermal sciences, Thermal systems, Refrigeration and air conditioning, Renewable energies and Energy saving technologies. I occasionally work, intramoenia within UNIVPM terms, as a consultant for Companies, Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies in fields such as Energy planning, Renewables and Refrigeration. All consultancies are conducted on a short-term assignment basis. At present I work at a joint project UNIVPM/Regione Marche on energy planning.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: University activities and consultancy as described in numeral 2) above.
    • Government advice and other policy development: As a member of my University Department, I occasionally do consultancy for Local Government Bodies and UN Implementing Agencies on energy planning and environmental issues.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None related to ODS or their alternatives. 
    • Other interests: None related to ODS or their alternatives.
  5. I conduct the work for TEAP and RTOC and TSBs on an entirely voluntary (unpaid) basis. Travel expenses associated with TEAP and RTOC and TSBs meetings are paid by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security of Italy (MASE) through a Small Scale Funding Agreement (SSFA) with UNEP, Nairobi and by UNIVPM through my research grants.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Fabio Polonara 
Date: 2024-01-31 

La Trobe University
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Ian Porter, residing in Australia, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of MBTOC declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. As well as a cochair of MBTOC, I work as a Research Professor at Latrobe University in Victoria, Australia. I have recently led and still lead research staff and programs working on reduction in emissions of nitrous oxide in horticultural industries and projects related to alternative fumigants and sustainable control of soilborne plant pathogens. I also lead other programs not related to ODS substances but to other chemicals which pollute the atmosphere, such as understanding the impact and minimizing the effect of smoke taint from catastrophic bushfires and controlled burns in the wine industry.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I work as a Research Professor at Latrobe University in Victoria, Australia. I conduct occasional consultancies for State Environmental Agencies
    • Government advice and other policy development: Although I have provided strategic direction for governments previously with technical aspects of ODS and alternatives,  I do not currently provide government advice or are engaged in any policy development for governments. I may at times assist with strategic planning of research priorities for the university and rural industries.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I receive partial funding from La Trobe University for research on smoke taint in wine - this is the only source of University funding, the rest is supplied by Rural Industry Submissions for Research Funds or State and Federal Governments through competitive grants programs for impacts of bushfire smoke and controlled burns on the Wine Industry in Australia.
    • Other interests:
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is partial funding from the Ozone Secretariat for administration and travel only.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Professor Ian Porter 
Date: 2024-01-23

Planet Futures
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Helen Tope, residing in Australia, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am Principal Consultant and Director of Planet Futures, and former Principal Consultant of Energy International Australia P.L. My activities as an independent consultant are to provide strategic, policy and technical advice and facilitation services to government, industry and other non- governmental organisations on climate change, ozone-depleting substances, and other environmental issues. I am also Adjunct Professor, within the Office of the Executive Dean, Faculty of Health, Deakin University.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: My business, Planet Futures, has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because my potential clients are also interested in these topics, and I consult for organisations that support the Montreal Protocol in phasing out controlled substances. My late spouse, Mr. Michael Atkinson, was also my business partner whose business, Energy International Australia, had an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol. During 2010, Dr. Stephen O. Andersen, Mr. Atkinson and I were unpaid advisors to a UNEP project on investment metrics for identifying technology that minimizes climate and other impacts when replacing ozone-depleting and high-GWP substances. In 2012, the Australian Government’s then Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities engaged then Energy International Australia to conduct a periodic review of Australia’s halon essential uses requirements in the civilian sector. In 2019-2020, the Australian Government’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment engaged Planet Futures to conduct a review of Australia’s future non-defence halon requirements. During 2021-2023, I was contracted by UNEP to write a number of articles of a technical nature for its website. During 2021-2023, I was participating as an unpaid contributor to an Environmental Impact of Inhaled Medicines Writing Group of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. During 2023, I was appointed as Adjunct Professor, Facult of Health, Deakin University, as an honorary appointee.
    • Government advice and other policy development: See above under Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None.  
    • Other interests: None.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is UNEP's Ozone Secretariat, which provides funding support towards administrative and travel costs associated with my participation as co-chair of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee and member of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel. As a self-employed consultant, the time supplied to conduct work related to the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel and its subsidiary bodies is on a voluntary unpaid basis.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Helen Tope
Date: 2024-01-15


Jensen Hughes Inc
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Daniel P Verdonik, residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co- chair of the Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am a full-time, salaried employee at Jensen Hughes, Inc., a specialty consulting company, working in Baltimore, Maryland and Arlington, Virginia, providing consulting services in fire protection and environmental management. Jensen Hughes, Inc., has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because it provides a wide range of fire protection research, design and consulting services to government and corporate clients, including work related to halons and hydrofluorocarbons and their alternatives.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I am a share-holder in Jensen Hughes, Inc., which does not own stock in companies producing ODSs, or alternatives or substitutes to ODSs. I also have shareholdings through general mutual funds where I have no control over the selection of shares. My spouse and step-son do not own or exercise control over shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work except for shareholdings through general mutual funds where they have no control over the selection of shares.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: Jensen Hughes, Inc, provides consulting services to many organizations that may be affected positively or negatively by the phase-out of ODSs. I currently provide consulting services through Jensen Hughes, Inc. for the U.S. Government on matters related to the Montreal Protocol. Neither my spouse nor my step-son serve as a director of or hold any other position for any entity which has an interest in the subject matter of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel.
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide advice to the U.S. Government on policies for use or phase-out of halons, other ODSs and their alternatives. Neither my spouse nor my step-son provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: I provide advice to the U.S. Government on policies for use or phase-out of halons, other ODSs and their alternatives. Neither my spouse nor my step- son provide advice on significant issues to a government with respect to its implementation of the Montreal Protocol or engage in the development of significant policy positions of a government for a Montreal Protocol meeting.
    • Other interests: Neither I, my spouse, nor my step-son have other interests related to the subject matter of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel or the Montreal Protocol.
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is from the U.S. Government and the Halon Alternatives Research Corporation, which is a not-for-profit industry coalition that in turn receives contributions for this funding from members. Recent past contributors have been ConocoPhillips Alaska, ChemoursTM (a wholly owned subsidiary of DuPont), Firetrace International, and Amerex. Any additional corporate contributors will be reported under the provisions of paragraph 7 below. From time-to-time, Jensen Hughes, Inc., may also provide its internal support for labour and travel for me to attend Fire Suppression Technical Options Committee, Technology and Economics Assessment Panel, Temporary Subsidiary Body, or Montreal Protocol meetings.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Daniel P Verdonik 
Date: 2024-01-22 


Trane Technologies
United States of America
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, Helen A Walter Terrinoni, residing in United States of America, a Technical Options Committee co- chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Member of TEAP task force on decision XXXV/11 (Life-cycle refrigerant management) declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am director of global climate policy.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work. I may have shares of stock in a mututal fund that is subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: I am employed by Trane Technologies
    • Government advice and other policy development: I provide technical information to policymakers regarding technology transitions.
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: Modeling work is unpaid and voluntary
    • Other interests: Board member of Switch 2025, which is a non-profit educating and supporting technology transitions
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is Trane Technologies.
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: Helen A Walter Terrinoni 
Date: 2024-01-05

Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute
Disclosure of Interest Declaration

I, ZHANG Jianjun, residing in China, a Technical Options Committee co-chair of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP), and Co-chair of the Medical and Chemicals Technical Options Committee declare as follows:

  1. I have read the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Guidelines for the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel, Its Technical Options Committees and Temporary Subsidiary Bodies (“the COI Guidelines”) as adopted by the Meeting of the Parties in Decision XXIV/8.
  2. I am the general manager of Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute Co. Ltd (ZCIRI), a Zhejiang based State-owned company that engages on the research and development of fluorochemicals and pesticide. My main activity for ZCIRI is the management of R&D on fluorochemicals which mainly includes the development of ODS alternatives.
  3. This declaration constitutes my written agreement, pursuant to paragraph 8 of the COI Guidelines, to comply with the Guidelines. I understand that this written agreement is a condition of my service.
  4. My interests, and those of my personal partner and dependents include the following
    • Proprietary interests: I do not have proprietary interest in substance, technology or process to be considered by TEAP or any TOC or any temporary subsidiary body.
    • Financial interests: I do not have ownership, shares or bonds in an entity with an interest in the subject matter of the meeting or work.
    • Employment, consultancy, directorship or other positions: : I am fully employed by Zhejiang Chemical Industry Research Institute (ZCIRI). ZCIRI has an interest in the topics of the Montreal Protocol because it is also a National ODS Alternatives Engineering Research Center of China and engages on the research and development of ODS alternatives and their applied technologies, development of technologies for ODS destruction and conversion. In addition, its mother company Sinochem Lantian Co. Ltd. is one of the major manufacturer of ODS alternatives in China.
    • Government advice and other policy development: None  
    • Paid research activities, fellowships or grants: None
    • Other interests: None
  5. The source of funding for my participation in the work of TEAP is supported by UNEP
  6. Pursuant to paragraph 11 of the COI Guidelines, I declare that I have not declined to disclose information falling within paragraph 10 of those Guidelines.
  7. I undertake to disclose any material change to any of the above information, pursuant to paragraph 9 of the COI Guidelines, within 30 days of any such change.
  8. I undertake to make further declarations of interest annually for so long as I remain a member of the TEAP body.
  9. I understand that this DOI will expire on 31 December 2024 after I have signed it.

Signed: ZHANG Jianjun 
Date: 2024-01-16